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July 25th, 2015

[info]myhometoo in [info]kiseki_logs

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[A few days ago, you might have gotten a pretty little invitation slipping underneath the door to your hotel room. The message? "Connie's Violin Concert, in the park at [time] - look for her under the blooming sakura tree!"

And sure enough, here she is, should you choose to head on over. It's a task she needs to complete in order to keep her violin. It's hardly a fancy violin by any means, but she likes it well enough and certainly more than needing to buy a new on in order to practice.

It's a simple little set up: a little blanket set out for her and a chair to sit in, plus a few chairs set up for any guests who want to stay and listen. There's even a little table she set up with refreshments. Nothing too fancy - some lemonade, and a few snacks she got from the Cherry Blossom Cafe.

At the appointed time, blushing a little and looking a bit nervous - her hands are shaking a bit, but not badly - Connie will start playing some songs on the violin! She'll even take some requests.

Feel free to come watch her, or to notice her as she passes by (or interact amongst yourselves, just be sure to keep your voice down during the actual concert itself).

Afterwards, a very flushed and flustered - but pleased - Connie will be packing her violin back up and looking like she might want to retreat. >_> But if you wanted to talk to her...]

[feel free to use this as a mingle if you'd like!]