August 2017



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June 21st, 2015

[info]alwaysfind in [info]kiseki_logs

009 ❄ Action

[Now that things are more settled down, the Charmings have taken to inquiring with the usyagi (or Constance, if she happens to be on shift) about having larger rooms so that they can stay comfortably with Yukine, or find a space big enough in order to have Emma and Stiles stay with them, too. It seems that their insistence proves fruitful, though, because it isn’t long before there’s a little house situated just beside the hotel – connected through the underground tunnels just like any other hotel room.

So it’s moving day for the Charmings! The house isn’t completely ready for them all, as that’s their “price” for getting the new space – having to fill it up and move their things, get some more furniture, paint the inside and outside walls, hang up curtains – all the little décor touches. They have to work to make it inhabitable.

Feel like helping out? I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to receive help.

Or, at least, they’d say so if they weren’t totally distracted. All day today, Snow and David are being revoltingly sappy (what else is new?), smiling at each other and giggling a little and kissing as they paint the walls. So, you know, their ‘kids’ are likely steering clear of that.

Once Snow isn’t horrendously distracted, she’ll be making some treats to share, so anyone passing by catching that scent is more than welcome to check it out! Or, come by and help out with move-in day!]

[This is an open log, so feel free to have your character interact with others while helping out - you don't have to interact with David and/or Snow both in order to participate and feel free to make your own top comments, too, if you'd like :D]