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June 13th, 2015

[info]kiseki_mods in [info]kiseki_logs

everywhere || action || open

[It’s been a long few weeks with the dragons, and as the days pass it’s clear that the Alpha is getting worse and worse despite the dragons’ efforts, and the efforts of those who were willing to help him in the first place. It starts out simple, the Alpha just sleeping more and more, his breathing coming out in wheezing gasps. Then, slowly, the Alpha stops moving so much, hardly reacts to any food or medicine.

But with every passing day the Alpha gets worse, the world around you starts to get worse, in turn. Plants start dying. Water starts drying up. It stays darker for longer. There might have been a few cave-ins towards the back of the tunnels.

It’s finally too much, though, and when the Alpha does die, it lets out one final, earth-shaking roar before it collapses and bursts into a wave of sakura petals. With that, the world around the Alpha dies as well – the bridges collapsing, the caves starting to fold into themselves, the island crumbling into the water as the regular Miracle Country returns to itself.

Be very mindful of where you are, then – because the world is going to change back. Trapped in the caves with the cave-in? You may be there a while. Were you in the reservoir? Then you might find yourself suddenly at the Wings Island. The forests, the top of the Ferris Wheel at the Amusement Park, stuck on the stairs of the lighthouse at the beach – you could appear anywhere. Everyone is scattered around and it’s not likely you’ll be lucky enough to show up in the park or the hotels.

It’ll be difficult to get back, though – because there’s a heavy wind blowing all over the islands today. Reacting to the sudden shift from one world to another, Miracle Country is still trying to adapt, and the wind is strong enough to push you off your feet if you’re not careful. That, and it’s raining sakura petals all over, which might make it difficult to see. There are respites and places to shade yourself from the onslaught – little alcoves, buildings, the forests – but that might mean little when you’re trying to find your friends and family, after all.

The Miracle Country you know and love isn’t completely untouched despite the sudden change, however – while the dragons’ world might have dissolved along with the Alpha, the remnants still appear in certain spots. Some of the dragons survive the sudden switch and now live in the forests. There are a few caves left over within the forest, the path in the first layer leading towards it.

And, most striking, there is a large skeleton deep in the forest – the final resting place for the Alpha Dragon.]