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May 15th, 2015

[info]sixthings in [info]kiseki_logs

003 ⚓ Text/Audio (open to action)

[Someone has recently taken over The Bar, and business has been slow. Which, all the better for her, back home she spent most of her days just hanging around the Hanged Man. But it's left her feeling rather, well, bored. And thus...] [There are a few scribbles across the page, some of which isn't legible, but others, well...]

And then she moaned out--

She then-- [some words scribbled out so they aren't even readable] --and he gasped out her name like a wolf howling to the moon

Her breasts strained against his chest like two wild stallions corraled against their will-- [A soft curse is recorded and a no, no, I already used that line.]

She lunged, the smooth liquid motion of a jungle cat hunting its prey. Her fingers twisted up into his hair and she locked her thighs around his waist. He was caught, happily so. She smiled and--

"Oh I missed you," she cried out, wrapping her arms tight around him. He voiced the same, picking her up and bringing her to the bed.

"Miracle Country isn't the same without you,

[The scribbles continue, and soon whatever else she's written is unreadable and there's an audio recording of a frustrated sigh and:] What I wouldn't give for Varric's input right now. He always had the best suggestions.

[A wistful little sigh] A dog or a cat? Which is better to compare him to, hmm...

[And then there's one last little scribble] He stretches out beneath her, like a cat--

like a dog--


[There's a clink of some glasses and she sighs out.] Friend-fiction is so much easier when they actually give me something to work with.

[If you need context, here you go.]

[info]youstillwearit in [info]kiseki_logs

garden island || action/video

[If someone wanders by the garden island, they'll see at the center of it that someone's been making use of the maze in it. Sitting just outside of it, there's Milady, cleaning up a pistol next to a little pile of things she got from it; a big fluffy coat, and resting on it are a bag of coins, and a small basket of fruits, as well as a long, sharp knife that didn't come out of the maze itself.]

[She looks rather content, munching on a couple of grapes from the basket and cleaning the gun methodically, not too bothered by the small injuries on her - some cuts and a few singe marks on her clothes... and she doesn't realize that her journal has followed her up, showing a shot of this in a video until the light coming from it makes her look up.]

[...] It's rude to spy on a lady, don't you know that? [There's a quick movement as she reaches for it, the recording cutting off with a strange hacking noise.]