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February 12th, 2015

[info]insibbegerest in [info]kiseki_logs

009 ♔ Audio/Action

I’ll forgo introductions as at this point I’m sure others are aware of the situation.

While I don’t doubt the good intentions of those here, I will say this: the Lady Morgana is ward to King Uther Pendragon of Camelot and in his absence she is therefore under my protection during her stay in this land, in place of my father.

I won’t allow any harm to come to her. [This is directed at one person in particular.]

Nor will I allow others to take advantage of her kindness. [That is directed at another one person in particular… you know who you are.]

I expect her to be treated with the respect she deserves. Should any feel to disregard this reminder, you will answer to me. [And to her, tbh.] While I lack authority afforded me in Camelot while in this land, understand that I won’t allow for her to be mistreated in any way.

Filtered away from Morgana )

[And he leaves it at that – and should anyone wish to find him in person, he’ll be around. But distracted and overwhelmed. And, above all else, sad. This has brought up some pretty horrible memories in a lot of ways, after all. And he knows that it won’t be easy for Lancelot, once he awakens. And that it isn't easy for Merlin at all.]

[info]woken in [info]kiseki_logs

text ( open to all )

[ The handwriting is slanted, practiced, fluid and feminine. She does not write much, but she has been taught well. ]

My name is Lady Morgana, ward of King Uther Pendragon of Camelot.

I'm afraid I don't quite understand how I came to be here. The maids who were sent to welcome me were very entertaining, but they seemed unwilling or perhaps unable to answer many of my questions. I fear that something dreadful may have happened - the last thing I remember is going to bed in the palace as normal. Was I taken ill?

The maids could not tell me where Guinevere might be, my own maid; or even Prince Arthur or the King himself. If I am truly able to speak to another by writing in this book, then I hope somebody will answer.

[ Something is written and scratched out, then written again. ]

Is this magic?