August 2017



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January 10th, 2015

[info]thestare in [info]kiseki_logs

video || action || open

[If people noticed there's a video recording the inside of Aramis's room while he's lying in bed, they might imagine it's going to be the kind of thing the Charmings get huffy about. But this time, it's quite the contrary, as there's a Charming involved in the first place.

Baby Neal is crawling slowly across the large bed, surrounded by the sea of pillows Aramis owns which were set up as a barrier to let him wander around, reaching for some of his toys which are scattered on it. Aramis is sprawled out next to him and is watching him with the dumbest blissed expression, encouraging him to move around by moving his toys a little out of reach once he's gotten to them.

Baby Neal soon decides that one of Aramis's pillows seems more alluring than the toy he's pulling away from him, so Aramis reaches to stop him as he starts nomming on it, picking him up and gently taking it away from him. This seems to be a great offense to baby, because he starts scrunching up his face in despair, so Aramis quickly mutters apologies to him and slowly stands up, rocking him gently and singing to him, which seems to calm Neal pretty quickly.]

[Following Snow's very strict instructions, the room is open during all of this and it's easy to sneak in if you were passing by, but even if you weren't or didn't want to bother with journals, he'll be later taking the baby outside for a (short, again, by Snow's demands) stroll.]

[info]sixthings in [info]kiseki_logs

002 ⚓ Action/Video

[The entry opens up innocently enough, if not for the fact that Isabela is draped over the table in a rather obscene way, with Porthos across from her – there are several drinks littered between them as well as a small pile of money. They’re playing cards, seemingly focused on that – aside from the fact that they’re both moving quickly, Isabela the dealer and dishing out cards quickly, Porthos returning cards and throwing down more money. Anyone not too familiar with cards might be overwhelmed with the flurry of movement – but soon enough they slow down, observe their cards, and then each other. Isabela takes a moment and then tilts her head, smiling at him oh so innocently]

I enjoy a man with markings like yours, you know. Scar right down the face? Very fetching.

[Porthos laughs,] I’m glad I could be of service, milady. Even when you’re attempting to distract me. Show your hand.

[And they both set down their cards at once – and the journal picks it up easily enough: Her hand has three Kings – but what’s this? Porthos’ cards have three Kings too. They both stare at their hands for a moment and then Isabela’s smile turns positively devilish]

Why… I do believe you had a king or two up your sleeve, darling. Tut tut.

[Porthos laughs, lifting his eyebrows in mock offense] … Not too sure where you were hiding yours.

Wouldn’t you like to find out? But, since my Kings are all the same suit, I win. [And with that she slaps both hands down over the pile of money and tugs it triumphantly to her side of the table – and it’s only because the way she leans over the table is utterly distracting that Porthos doesn’t quite protest, instead grinning a bit foolishly at her] Another round? [She’s laughing still, dropping a few coins along her palm, seeming quite pleased with her winnings] Perhaps your luck will change, big man. You can’t be out now – an empty pool for a cardgame is like an empty bed. A complete waste.

I’m sure you’re robbing me blind.

Not a chance – you’d like that far too much. Don’t think I haven’t seen where your money purse is belted to you. [To this, Porthos just laughs, looking happier than he has in days, for anyone who might have spent time with him over the last few months – he seems a bit easier, more relaxed, and clearly smitten as he always is whenever he’s within five feet of Isabela. It’s around this time that they both notice the journal recording, and Porthos makes a soft grunt of frustration and reaches for it – but Isabela simply laughs and snatches it quickly from him before he can get there]

Oh, no, this is good. Things were getting a little boring. [She tilts her head as she looks down into the camera, smiiiiiiiling] Anyone want to play a game of cards against me – or the dear Porthos here, if he’s so inclined. We can even make it interesting. I’ll do my traditional deal of if you beat me, I’ll teach you how to handle two swords at once.

I thought those were daggers.

Swords, daggers… other such firm, penetrating things. I’m quite skilled at two at once. [Porthos laughs beside her, not looking like he’s quite sure how to respond to that] And if you beat Porthos here, he’ll… oh, I don’t know. Porthos, what are you good at? What skills would you pass on to the eager youth?

Well probably—

Getting naked would be my first guess. I’m sure others would agree. Perhaps those interested can make suggestions on what you can teach them, you dirty cheater.

You like dirty cheaters.

Mmm, oh, I do. But we're forgetting our audience, darling - we shouldn't neglect them. Or perhaps we should put on a show? [She's playing with Porthos' collar now, leaning in close, but she's pulling back soon enough (before Porthos can quite respond beyond looking a little thunderstruck) and waving a few more kings between her fingers] My, my, naughty boy.

[ooc: joint post for both Isabela & Porthos - if you have a preference for whether you want one or the other, let me know, otherwise they'll likely both respond.]