August 2017



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August 25th, 2014

[info]creamsouji in [info]kiseki_logs

001 † video | action | open

[The video begins to reveal a young Japanese male in a high school uniform, staring intently at the journal as though he expects it to literally blow up in his face. The sight of the Welcome Center is clearly visible behind him. He stares at the journal for nearly thirty seconds, turning it one way, then the other, before tossing it up into the air and then catching it.

The boy scoffs at the device, muttering to himself in a flat and unemotional voice.]

This is stupid...

[With that, the feed shuts off.]


[If anyone happens by the Welcome Center, they'll find a very confused and skittish Souji out front. Despite how unfazed he seemed on the video, he's circling the immediate area, unable to stay still while he tries to figure out what's going on. Sure, the Welcome Center ladies tried to get him up to speed, but who's to say there isn't something more at work here? Staying calm is not one of Souji's strong points.]

[info]profail in [info]kiseki_logs

all day || open to everyone

[Today, the sun is shining, the weather is perfectly nice and calm, and it's a perfect day to go outside and get active!

Are you jogging early in the morning? Swimming across the lake? Practising some swordfighting with your friends? Doing some magic training? Or maybe practicing elemental bending? If you'd been missing your daily practices, today you'll be sure to remember to get to them!

Or at least feel guilty if you skip them anyway and choose to be lazy instead.]