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August 4th, 2014

[info]insibbegerest in [info]kiseki_logs

007 ♔ Accidental Video/Action

[It's late in the evening, almost to the point that it's the next morning, and Arthur has gotten used to spending late nights alone, while Merlin is taking care of Freya. He's alone, having decided to get off the main island to spend time on his own, and carries a small lantern with him as he walks along the garden island, searching out Guinevere's favorite flower.]


[He stops walking, gradually, sitting down on a large rock and just staring out over the scenery, without seeming to take it in. He looks up at the stars and moon, and then back down at the lantern]

How strange.

[Does a birthday count, if you're dead? And does a birthday, does an anniversary of a coronation, even count in this land? Should he even wish it to count, when it marks the deaths of both his parents? Still, even so, it's the first one he's ever "celebrated" that hasn't, well, had festivities and it's a strange feeling.]

[He sighs out, and ducks his head - and it is clearly only the trick of the lantern's light that he should seem teary-eyed. It passes just as quickly once he looks up, plucking up a little red flower and tucking it into his buttonhole, wringing his hands absently.]

[No. It's definitely strange to spend it alone, unmarked. Although he knows that at least two people know of the date. Even so.]