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December 21st, 2013

[info]preys in [info]kiseki_logs

#082 [ accidental video, closed (ish) action ]

[It might not be exactly unusual for Kamui to sleep in these days (a bad habit perhaps to have picked up, not that he cares all that much), or for him to just spend the day bumming at home... but it's certainly an odd sight when the recording turns on late into the day and he's still practically buried under the covers. It makes even less sense when it's clear that he's alone for now (Fuuma has a job and all, somehow the more responsible of the two of them), seemingly dead to the world.]

[When he stirs, it's clear this is not a turn for the better in his case. He groans.]


I am... absolutely... not in the mood for this.

[Those watching can certainly hear his weak grumbles, just as his hand reaches out from the bed and -- bumps his journal onto the floor. Fuck. That gives way for a pretty clear view to Kamui's bleary and red face, his bangs messed up and sticking to his forehead from the attempts his body makes to try and sweat out this sudden fever. He stares at nothing for a while, groans again, before opting to ignore writing in the journal for help, not realizing it's doing the job for him already. Another grumble follows.] Can't concentrate like this, anyway.

[Through some great display of effort (or more like stubbornness?) he finally drags himself to sit up on the bed, pausing again at the dizzying feeling this brings. Even marred by sickness, his entire demeanor seethes with annoyance.]

Stop it. There's no sense to this... kind of stupidity still, is there?

... Ugh.

[Damn it, Kiseki. And of course, as Kamui finally stands up and stumbles his way over to the bathroom, the cherry on top of his incredibly unfun start to this day reveals itself--]

[--When he's stopped halfway there and can't take another step. Not because the magical sickness is too much, no. One of those troublesome little plants from the past few days wanted to say hello too! And leave him stuck there in the room to collapse again as the video cuts out just before he can let out an unpleasant curse for everyone to hear.]

[info]kiseki_mods in [info]kiseki_logs

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[Happy First Day of Winter, Kiseki! To celebrate the winter solstice, Miracle Country has, of course, decided to let it snow all over the island(s), a fluffy white snow. It'll be snowing lightly throughout the day, but be careful of the ice on the walkways or the icicles hanging off the over-hangings. It's been snowing a bit lately, but now it's in full-force, and there's a few cute snowmen hanging around already, just to help get you all in the mood for playing in the snow.

The light snow will stop about mid-way through the afternoon and it'll clear up, sunny but plenty cold - the perfect way to motivate you to get out and play to warm up, right? And don't worry about running out of snow - if it gets too packed-down, the snow will seem to magically fluff back up again!

Afraid of being cold in the snowy weather, though? No worries, as Miracle Country has graciously provided each room in the hotel with a pile of warm coats, mittens/gloves, scarves, hats, and winter boots, with a cheerful little note that says simply "Let it snow!"; there's also some sleds just outside the entrance to the park, in case anyone wants to take advantage of a small hill.]