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December 1st, 2013

[info]lendahand in [info]kiseki_logs

001 ☠ Action / Video

[Well, it’s not that he’s unused to showing up in different worlds – but usually when that happens, it’s not without his ship which he was just standing on and certainly not to arrive very abruptly in a tavern.]

[Then again, it is a tavern, and while Hook looks around with a raised eyebrow, surveying his surroundings, he taps his hook on the bar counter and orders some rum. Because why not, right? He glances around, figuring that a bar’s the best place to start – get some information, figure out just why the hell he’s here. Of course, no one is around just yet and he shrugs – the drunks haven’t woken up from their stupor yet, then. He drinks his rum and gets off the bar stool, wandering around and poking his head outside the bar.]

[… Far too cutesy looking.]

… There is a distinct lack of rum for this to be acceptable by any means. [And he smiles to himself, clearly far too amused at his own thoughts]

[He goes back inside, downs his rum, and goes get some more. And downs that, too, only managing to almost knock the glass off the counter as he does so. And then steps outside again, looking around. If they somehow messed up on the whole portal thing, presumably Emma would be around – and the others, too, he supposes, but whatever search out Emma first.]

[And then he is accosted by Welcome Center ladies and has those various shenanigans before he has his journal ceremoniously shoved into his hand]

Yes, alright, very good. Cheers. [Now get the hell away from him.] Speak with friends in a magic book in a magic world I’ve never seen before, sounds splendid. Just how I was hoping to spend my afternoon. I have my hands full already as it is.

[lol get it? Cause he has a hook for a hand. Anyway…]

[……………………] [He cracks it open curiously, flipping each page with his hook with some difficulty, and after a few torn pages and glancing down at what’s written there, he decides it is not worthwhile and he slams it shut.]

This is certainly not Neverland.

Right then. I haven’t time for magical books, entertaining as I’m sure it is. Not that I’m not all for surprises, but quite frankly, I’d much rather I be the surprise. Not exactly the best idea I’ve ever seen for a good time, but then again, Neverland certainly isn’t a romp, either.

[This is around the time he realizes he is either A) talking to himself or B) talking to a book. Neither is entirely sound and he has more important things to do. He sighs and shrugs.]

[He then drops it into a puddle and continues walking, resuming his previous search for Emma]