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October 20th, 2013

[info]milfleur in [info]kiseki_logs

❁ 001

There must be something quite special to this journal, not to mention to the act of writing in it. Those young women were very insistent. Is that a common greeting?

[Her hand writing is neat and untroubled, although admittedly Robin is not sure what to think for the moment. There is no way this could be Dressrosa or the forest, yet she has no idea how she might have ended up here.]

Assuming I understood everything correctly... this is a form of communication. I have to wonder how it is that it functions. Even so, I'm grateful for the chance to receive some answers, if there are any.

[She's smiling to herself despite it all, and the audio on the journal picks up a quiet chuckle. Sigh.]

Well. In the end, it is not exactly the first time I have found myself in such a situation as this. I suppose I simply didn't expect it again so soon.

[...... Oh, and right.] Ah-- one thing... A companion of mine may have made it here also. If those that can read this stumble on a long-nosed man by any chance, please kindly inform me. Any assistance is very much appreciated. I can only hope he has not been hurt in any way... [It would be nice if he hasn't drowned in the ocean hmmmm. No really she loves you Usopp.]

[info]nadiasbell in [info]kiseki_logs

≈ 001

[The entry starts out as audio, an agitated young girl with the familiar voices of Kiseki ladies around her.]

No, no, you don't understand! I don't mean where am I, I said when am I? ... O-oh, it's Sunday? [Someone is having difficulty with the welcome wagon.] Oh, fine, I'll write in the book! But then I'm leaving, okay? ... It's magic, right?

[She starts to write in the journal, having taken a moment to calm down and sounding much more cheerful] Hi, whoever's reading this! I'm Marle! I'm from somewhere pretty far away so I need help! My friends are missing, their names are Chrono, Frog- [and oh just in case]- Lucca and Robo! Chrono is a boy my age with orange hair! Frog is [um] well, if you saw him you'd know who he was... Please, it's very important that I find them! And I need to know what this place is! You could say I got lost so... If you can help, that'd be great! [Does not sound very worried about waking up in another world.] This place looks pretty amazing, I can already tell it's nothing like home! Is the whole place like this?

[...] By the way, there was also a man with long blue hair and a purple cape with me before I... got lost. If he sounds familiar, please let me know.

[info]betterwithher in [info]kiseki_logs

It's quite clear to him, upon waking up, that this is not, in fact, his home. It's also abundantly clear that these women are not the ones whose services he enjoyed last night. He's kinky, yes, but five is a bit excessive even for him. He cuts straight to the chase.

"Excuse me, ladies. Might I inquire as to where I am and how I was taken from my flat without my companion knowing?"

Then they all start chattering at once, making him wince and cover his ears in annoyance, "A bit slower, please, and one at a time, thank you!"

But his reaction goes unheeded as they continue to prattle on in no language he was familiar with, but roughly translated to english at points. A small book is also being thrust into his face which serves to make him even more frustrated and 100% done with all of this nonsense. Aggravated he snatches the journal and shoos them away.

"Yes, yes, write, I know! It's about the only thing I was able to make out among your incessant gibberish!"

With a long huff, he takes the pen and proceeds to write the following:

"Right. First of all, I haven't kept a diary of this nature since adolescence. Secondly, I was able to determine through the inane babbling of those strange women I encountered, that my means of communicating with others is to write in this book. Because asking for a telephone seems completely out of the question."

"Now then. To business. My name is Sherlock Holmes. I'm a consulting detective to the NYPD and if I have indeed been abducted, they will very soon begin a search and rescue. Therefore, I advise whoever is responsible for this to cease this prank immediately and allow me to return to my work. That way all of us get what we want and no one gets hurt."

"I might also add that my associate, Miss Watson, is a highly skilled martial artist and quite capable of taking down anyone who makes her the least bit upset. No really, it's terrifying, actually. You don't want to make her angry, I assure you. So... all the better to release me sooner rather than later."

Pauses and frowns. Scribbles.

"Note to self; never accept any beverages from new acquaintances again lest they drug me and drag me to some remote location with a bunch of idiots claiming this is "another world"."

[info]remainsherself in [info]kiseki_logs

[ video ]

[Nighttime brings back with it a certain dark-haired girl dressed in a long and heavy coat, a covered up sword slung across on her back, who is currently staring down at the journal from somewhere in the city. Her eyes seem more distant than anyone in Kiseki will remember them, perhaps colder but at the same time worn deeply by something like sorrow--something she could not or would not begin to explain aloud.]

[Her lips part, slowly.]

This place is...

[She remembers now. Part of her questions it almost as a gut reaction, but the memories are there, in full whether she accepts them or not. Whether she forgot all of it outside of Miracle Country. The memories of the people here especially, both those she knew "outside" and the "friends" made... It's a strange feeling as it all streams back in.]

That all that time could pass and I would still be brought here again. Am I to believe it is truly real?

[You always can't hear what she adds, to herself.] Could I?

[......................][More importantly, the two people on her mind the most, could they still be--] How long...?