Keys to Wonderland

February 2nd, 2013

Keys to Wonderland - Messages


February 2nd, 2013

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Gotta love that whole 'falling asleep one place and waking up somewhere else' experience. I thought maybe the guys on the tour bus were playing some big prank on me, but I can't seem to find where they went. I'd call them, but my phone battery is low and I'd rather not waste it since I can't find my charger. Guess it's a good thing they left my guitar, since it looks like I might be here a little while and I'll need something to do.

Damn.. does anyone know a good place to get some coffee around here?

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If ever I could bring a downpour,

now feels like it would be a nice time.


Consider my bones chilled. I'm not quite afraid of anything- but such blatant sadism on the Queen's part is enough to make my stomach turn.

How are you faring?


And how've you been?

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Apologies My Queen for not bringing you a lot of Oysters so far. I have tried and while I have found the five I have brought you they seem to have become a lot better at hiding. I shall continue to search and bring them to you though, no matter what occurs.
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