October 2015



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July 26th, 2015



[No Subject]


This is officially the shortest 'I'm never talking to you again' time ever. This is all TJ's fault because he's an idiot Also I can't fucking sleep on a floor anymore I still don't like I You're all dumb

Fine. Whatever. Cats. Keep them in your rooms and away from me. That means no snapchat pictures of them either, TJ. No, if I say that, Noah's going to do it on purpose

I'm getting a snake. You can't veto it or touch it.

I'm going to regret this. I'm really going to regret this. Maybe if I threaten to vomit on them they'll Sorry for threatening your dumb future cats or whatever. I guess Is everyone fucking happy now?


If anyone asks why I apologized, I'm blaming you I'm bored I didn't even sleep that much last night, but I didn't want to deal with anyone, so I didn't even get coffee. It's possible I'm dying. I need a nap I decided I'm getting a snake, so we're going to look online for ones that look cool after training's over.



[No Subject]

Dear Brewed Awakening staff,

I will need so many coffees. Please expect me.

Your apparently caffeine addicted and slightly hungover whatever...I don't know,


P.S. Does anyone else need coffee?

P.P.S. Someone tell the sun to stop

P.P.S. 2 I remember too much from last night, why?

P.P.S. 3 Never again

[ooc: just pretend this was from this moooorniiiing. I was asleep then sort of...but I meant it to be this morning]



[No Subject]

To the person who plays the tuba: you're good, but can you please stop maybe limit your practicing to daylight hours?

It might be a trombone. I'm not terribly musical.

At any rate, I would really, really appreciate it.



[No Subject]

somehow i got talking about power secondary characteristics. now i'm curious. how many people have them? little side effect abilities that you didn't or wouldn't expect from what you can do?

    being aware that it is my birthday on thursday and c's on next weekend, i am suggesting a) any social plans get postponed till next weekend, b) they involve alcohol linden i am looking your way for this and c) i'm picking the music.