October 2015



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July 24th, 2015



[No Subject]

i learned things about people today!



[No Subject]

I feel uninspired. The ennui! The ennui! Someone tell me something stimulating. This book is like a tapeworm and it must be fattened.

#amwriting #amnotwriting #tapeworms



[No Subject]

I want this to belong to me.

I think I found a place I wish I could travel to. GLOW WORMS! This is awesome! But now that I have found it, I feel the true sting of disappointment because I'll never be able to see it in person.



[No Subject]

Okay, so I didn't think it would be necessary to post about this, but apparently, it is: I am no longer a member of the Gardening crew, so I can't really answer gardening questions such as what are we going to do about the aphids on the kale plants or whether or not we're going to build a coop in the community garden. I mean, I can--I'm pretty sure they're still waiting on the insecticidal soap order, and whether or not they get to build a coop depends on what various higher ups say--but the point, is, you shouldn't ask me, because I'm not apart of Gardening anymore. I changed jobs last week, so that means any answers from me are a week old. This has your Lock Public Service Announcement, feel free to go about your business.

Now, onto more pressing matters: why haven't any memes or gifs been made for the meta remake of The Room yet? I expected better from you, Internet.



[No Subject]

Pen is an abusive hostess. You could be innocently lying on a floor and she will hit you repeatedly with a pillow. Don't trust her.