August 11th, 2012



Rehabilitation & Reintegration Initiative


RR Initiative



Welcome Message
Character Directory
Friending Button
You have no place in proper society, not as you are. For your own good and for the good of everyone else, you have been put where you belong. Locked away like animals, kept from the chance to offend once more, it is only fair that you stay here as long as necessary.

Or is it? If there were an alternative to your cell and sentence, would you take it? Could it be worth the risk of untested treatments and programs to walk free far sooner than the system says you deserve? What if you didn’t have a choice?

Inmate, welcome to the first phase of the new Rehabilitation & Reintegration Initiative [RRI] program; an alternative approach to imprisonment that aims to rehabilitate criminal offenders from all walks of life. Successful completion of the program guarantees clemency, no matter what crimes landed you here in the first place.

There is no promise of success, no guarantee of ease in the tasks ahead of you. Whatever it is that spurs you on, be it redemption, forgiveness, or the very thought of freedom, know that this will be your last chance to seize it. You were already at the bottom of the ladder; there is nowhere else to fall.

A B O U T • U S
R R I is a brand new original character game opening up just as soon as we have one more player, but we have many slots still open! We have created a game environment we hope brings a unique experience to our players. The direction the game takes will be based entirely on how the players decided to proceed in game!





Beacon Hills RPG will pick up immediately after the season 2 finale. We will work on an episodic basis, for 13 "episodes". Each episode will take place over 1-2 weeks in game, and will vary from 2 to 4 weeks RL time. The game will run with an overarching plot (based around a season "bad guy") and smaller, player driven plots to keep character interaction and development up.

Holds are open, with the next ads being on July 20th, but actual game play won't begin until August 17th. In the interim, there will be a variety of activities designed to keep interest and activity up including, but not limited to, character development exercises, open sandbox play, crack threads and in character memes. The hope is that by opening the holds early, we will have a full cast by the time we're ready to start the game.

Further information on plot will be revealed after the S2 finale, to make sure it follows S2 canon. Some ideas on the table thus far are a rival pack coming to challenge Derek and Scott, misunderstandings with a local coven, or someone with a vendetta against the Hunters causing the Argents to have to team up with Derek and Scott's packs, other supernatural creatures being discovered (vengeful spirits perhaps?), or something completly different. Once there is a firm idea of where S2 will end up, a decision for the plot will be made.

MOST WANTED: Boyd, Scott, the adults (especially Chris Argent, Melissa McCall and Sheriff Stilinski) or OC older characters


| [info]beacon_hills | [info]beaconhillsmod | [info]beaconhillsooc |

Amethyst Sanctum

Amethyst City is a picturesque city in the Midwest. It’s just like every other city except that the supernatural races walk freely amongst the population and in many ways has taken over. Despite the safe haven of Sanctum there is always trouble brewing around the corner.

Where do you stand? Are you going to support the Vampires’ claim to the City? Are you a member of the warring Were packs? Are you a human wanting to get rid of them all? Come join us and find out!

Amethyst Sanctum is an original character modern supernatural fantasy roleplaying game. We are looking for creative and enthusiastic writers who want to join a fun, character driven game. We encourage individual plots that run alongside a long, overarching one.

Game is open and going strong with 30+ characters! Join us and help shape Amethyst City!