January 13th, 2012

[info]ofthefew in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Leah and Kris
WHAT: Scaretime. Also, Kris gets Betsy back. Kind of.
WHERE: Grand Central.
WHEN: 01/12/11, backdated
RATING: Medium for language
STATUS: In progress

His second tip that something was amiss should have been the fact that he didn't hear the telltale click of the very loud Grand Central roof door closing. )

[info]takenonames in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Brandon and Leah
WHAT: Emotional sibling times; dealing with not knowing where Kori is.
WHERE: Madison Square Garden.
WHEN: 11/13/19, afternoon.
RATING: Medium for language.
STATUS: In progress

Facing Leah was going to be impossible now. But he knew that he had to. )