You are viewing the most recent 20 entries June 9th, 2011wanking_mods @ 08:00 pm: Wankfest 2011 Farewell Address... and Goodies for All!
Well, with this final post, HP Wankfest 2011 is all over. The mess is mopped up, the lotion and towels are put away, the various characters are having a smoke or a nap, and poor Snape has been sent back to his dungeons with a special salve to treat the chaffing. We're sad to see it end, but also ridiculously proud of the fantastic collection of fic and art that came together here this time around. Truly, you all demonstrated some unbelievable creativity and surprised us over and over again with your inventive uses for the prompts and brilliant pieces that were far beyond your everyday wankfic or art. To date, the fest generated more than 800 comments on its 48 pieces, and 23 fics and arts -- nearly half the fest! -- found their way into the Daily Snitch. Our huge, huge thanks to all the amazing authors and artist who clearly brought their A-game for this celebration, and to everyone who read, viewed, commented, recced, and squeed along. You made the return of Wankfest a smashing success and a whole hell of a lot of fun. As a special thank you to our participants, there are some final goodies below the cut. Those of you who were around back in 2008 will get a particular kick out of what's down here. ;) Thanks again, and happy wanking!! ( LOTS MORE UNDER HERE! )Tags: awards, banners, modly
wanking_mods @ 04:00 pm: 2011 Wanktastic Awards!
For the most part, the art categories had pretty clear winners from early on. The fic categories, however, were considerably less certain. Particularly in Best Male Character Wank, where we had a five-way tie for quite some time. We thought for sure we were going to have to hold a wank off! But thankfully a few last-minute votes provided a tie breaker. Actually, we still ended up with a two-way tie in that category -- as well as one other -- but we can live with that. ;) So, here's how the voting turned out in the end: ( Voter's Choice Awards )Now for the Mod's Choice. There was so much amazing work submitted to this fest that there was no way we could give an award to every single thing we loved. But we certainly did make a solid effot. ;) Most of our selections were pieces that did quite well in the voting also, so we know most of you will likely agree with us and nod along. Well, here are our thoughts on the matter: ( Mod's Choice Awards )Stay tuned a little longer, everyone! We're still not done yet. There are a few more goodies coming up soon... Tags: awards, banners, modly
wanking_mods @ 12:00 pm: HP Wankfest 2011 Reveals
Wow, it seems like it was just a couple of weeks ago that we wank-loving mods first tossed off around the idea of running another round of Wankfest. And now it's already time for reveals! Time really does fly when you're having, er, fun, doesn't it? Below the cut you'll find the author and artist reveals. Don't go away just yet, though -- the Wanktastic Awards will be presented a little later today. After that, we'll have some final words and a few last fun things for everyone. Now, without further ado... ( HP Wankfest 2011 Reveals! )So, what do you think? Some surprises? Some not-at-all-surprises? Find some new authors and artists to follow? Stick around for the results of the voting! Tags: masterlist, modly, reveals
wanking_mods @ 02:00 am: Wacky, Wanky Stats and Observations
While we're waiting for the reveals post, how about we take a look at what we all accomplished this time, yeah? ( HP Wankfest 2011 Stats and Silliness )What we're try to say is that you all certainly are a creative and talented lot of wankers! There was an unbelievably huge range of ideas and tones in the pieces, and we're absolutely astonished that everyone was able to do so much with a few props and the general theme of masturbation. We had obscene amounts of fun viewing and reading the art and fic as it came in, and we sincerely hope you enjoyed them as much as we did. Reveals are scheduled to go up in ten hours. The Wanktastic Awards will follow not too long thereafter. Keep watching us throughout the day for those posts and more. It ain't over 'til the battery runs down...Tags: modly
June 5th, 2011wanking_mods @ 01:34 pm: Final Voting Reminder!
Voting for the 2011 Wanktastic Awards closes tomorrow! We've decided to extend the voting by twelve hours, so instead of noon, you'll now have until 11:59 pm U.S. Eastern time on Monday to have your say. But after that, the polls close and the votes are tallied. At the moment, we actually have ties in multiple categories -- so you can definitely still help to get your favorites on top. Go vote! Or we'll make bad puns about "hanging chads". Tags: modly
June 2nd, 2011wanking_mods @ 08:55 pm: Voting Reminder
Just a quick reminder that voting for the Wanktastic Awards is still open and will remain open until Monday. So be sure to catch up on anything you might have missed and go vote with the complete list of pieces and the poll. The winners of wank are still way up in the air, so they need your input! Tags: modly
May 30th, 2011wanking_mods @ 12:00 pm: HP Wankfest 2011 Voting Post!
VOTING IS CLOSED! Thanks, everyone!To vote:Enter the number of the fic or art for which you wish to vote in each text box in the poll below. No, you don't have to vote in every category if you don't want to. Both watchers and participants can vote! Participants, yes, you may vote for yourselves; after all, this is a fest all about pleasing oneself. ;) The poll will stay open for one week -- until noon U.S. Eastern time on Monday, June 6. Winners will be announced and reveals will go up on Thursday, June 9! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~( Numbered list of fic and art below this cut )~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~( Poll for voting below this cut )Tags: modly, poll, voting
May 29th, 2011wanking_mods @ 01:35 pm: Voting Starts Tomorrow!
As promised, a tiny bit of advance info on how voting is going to work. It'll be the same as what we did in 2008, so those of you who were with us back then already know how it goes. We'll put up a numbered list of all of the pieces. Along with it, we'll post a poll (results viewable only by the mods) with text boxes. In each box you'll enter the number of the fic or art for which you want to vote in each category. You'll be able to vote for your overall favorite fics and arts as well as the pieces that made the best use of their prompts. Both participants and watchers are allowed to vote! The poll will go up at noon U.S. Eastern time tomorrow -- Monday, May 30. Since we know a number of people are still catching up with reading and viewing, we'll be leaving the voting open a little bit longer this time than we did in 2008. The poll will close after one week, at noon on Monday, June 6. Fest reveals and awards will be posted on Thursday, June 9! Tags: info, modly
May 27th, 2011wanking_mods @ 12:30 pm: Complete Roundup
All right! HP Wankfest 2011 is now officially all out of spunk. It's blown its last load. It's completely spent. It couldn't possibly go any longer. Below the cut is a complete list of everything that's been posted. Once again, voting will open on Monday, so you'll want to do some catching up between now and then. And if you see/read something you like, please remember to give the artist/author some love! ( HP Wankfest 2011 Complete Roundup )Tags: modly, roundup
May 26th, 2011wanking_mods @ 12:00 pm: Whole Lotta Wanking Going On
Well, it would appear that we're not quite as done with posting as we thought we were! There was a piece or two submitted that never made it to our email account. Apparently Gmail does not approve of these wanky shenanigans! Either that, or it's gummed up with spooge... In any case, here's a bit more self-pleasure in which you can indulge. The previously announced voting schedule will remain unchanged, so look for more info this weekend. Tags: modly
May 25th, 2011wanking_mods @ 11:00 am: Final Roundup
And that's all she wanked wrote! HP Wankfest 2011 posting has now come to an end. Below the cut you'll find a list of everything posted in the final week-plus-a-bit. The roundup from Week 1 can be found here, and the roundup from Week 2 is here. You now have the next few days to get completely caught up on your reading and viewing in preparation for voting. A post explaining the voting procedures will go up this Sunday, May 29, and the voting post will go live on Monday, May 30. So read, read, view, view, and read some more, and stay tuned for further instructions! ;) ( HP Wankfest 2011 Week 3 (Plus a Bit) Roundup )Tags: modly, roundup
May 22nd, 2011wanking_mods @ 12:42 pm: Nearing Completion!
HP Wankfest 2011 hit its three week mark yesterday! You might have noticed that we haven't posted a weekly roundup yet. That's actually not because our hands are otherwise engaged. It's because we only have a couple more days of wanking left to go here, so we thought we'd just hold off until then. Once the final piece has been posted, we'll give you the third roundup. A day or two after that, we'll tell you everything you need to know about the voting process for the HP Wankfest 2011 Wanktastic Awards! So break out that extra tube of lube and stick with us just a little while longer. Tags: modly
May 15th, 2011wanking_mods @ 09:00 pm: Week 2 Roundup
Wow, can you believe we're halfway through National Masturbation Month already? How time flies when you're having fun, eh? Below the cut you'll find a list of everything posted to Wankfest in the second week (plus a day *cough*). The roundup from Week 1 can be found here. Remember, there's lots of great art and all of the fics are short 'n' smutty, so if you're behind, you can definitely still catch up! ( HP Wankfest 2011 Week 2 Roundup )We've still got some more very wank-worthy pieces to post, so don't roll over and go to sleep yet! Tags: modly, roundup
May 7th, 2011wanking_mods @ 12:15 pm: Week 1 Roundup
How's everyone enjoying the festivities so far?? Below the cut you'll find a roundup of everything that's been posted to Wankfest so far. We've had four fantastic pieces of art and ten fab fics. If you've missed anything, do be sure to give it a click and check it out. And once again, if you see/read something you like, please remember to let the artist/author know! ( HP Wankfest 2011 Week 1 Roundup )That's all so far, but there's loads more wonderful wank coming (haha, there we go again...). Keep watching for it... Also -- If you've recced any pieces from Wankfest around LJ/IJ, please drop a link to your recs in the comments to this post. Thanks! Tags: modly, roundup
April 29th, 2011r_grayjoy @ 04:37 pm: Wanking from Aeternitas! (Wanktastic Poll #2)
Hello! Rowan here, reporting from Aeternitas! I'm currently sitting with a room full of wankers and having a blast. Take that as you will. We've been having an animated discussion about... well, I think you can guess. And so we have a few questions we'd like answered... Poll #6073 Wanktastic Poll #2
Open to: All, results viewable to: AllWhich Marauders era student wanked the most? Which Weasley wanks the most? What's a Death Eater's favorite wank assistance device/toy/prop? Who could most benefit from a good, long wank? For part 2, we'd like for you to fill in the blanks with character names -- but the catch is, you may only use each name once! Poll #6074 Wanktastic Poll #2, Continued
Open to: All, results viewable to: AllWho likes to be watched while wanking? Who likes to watch others wanking? Who only wanks with the lights off? Who can perform autofellatio? Who flogs/whips themselves while wanking? Who fantasizes about spanking/flogging/whipping someone else while wanking? Who's a noisy wanker? Who has a custom made dildo? Who teaches the younger students to wank? Feel free to explain your reasoning in comments! That's all from us for now, fellow wankers! Look for the first fic and art posts on Sunday. Tags: modly, poll, wank warm-up
April 27th, 2011wanking_mods @ 05:11 am: Posting Plans: Spanking Schedule and Fapping Frequency
Holy wanking wallabies! It's almost May! How did that happen, and where did April go?! Wankfest 2011 officially begins in just four days! Now, don't get the wrong impression. While we wish to register our astonishment at the speed at which time passes, we don't mean to imply that we've been caught unprepared. Quite the contrary. Why, we have the fics, the art, the lube, and the tissues all lined up and ready to go! We'll be posting two pieces per day every day until the end (or very near the end) of May. Pieces will all go up at noon U.S. Eastern time. Be sure you're watching the comm, and look for the first two prime porny pieces at noon this Sunday. (And we'll see if perhaps we can squeeze out another wanktastic poll or two before then. ;) ) Are you ready to celebrate National Masturbation Month?? Tags: icons, modly
April 21st, 2011wanking_mods @ 03:35 pm: Resources for Wankers
Before we get to the thrust of the matter here (haha), a reminder that we have a rather amusing discussion going on in our last post containing our tales of woe and hilarity centered around our (sometimes unfortunate) sexual experiences. Anonymous posting is enabled, so don't be afraid to join in! Now, on to the matter at hand. (Wow, and that pun wasn't even intentional!) Valuable resources for all you wankers out there! Purely for research purposes to enhance your fic writing, of course. ::cough:: We don't really need to tell you that these are NOT worksafe, right... ? - The classic site for male masturbation techniques and information, the ever-so-useful JackinWorld. Be sure to check out the sections on foreskin pleasure and methods involving objects. - For a long list of female masturbation techniques as described by women who utilize them, see Female Masturbation Techniques: Common Methods of Female Masturbation. - The illustrated ::cough:: guide to male masturbation: Male Masturbation Techniques. This one's worth seeing purely for the instructions on how to wank with a plantain! - Of course there's the companion illustrated guide to female masturbation: Female Masturbation Techniques. Sadly, though, this one contains no special instructions on sex with fruits or vegetables. I feel cheated... - However... those who followed Wankfest back in 2008 will get a special giggle out of the site that gives step-by-step instructions for making Pumpkin Sex Toys. - Here, have some highly questionable but fun Fap Statistics. - And some slightly more scientific and belivable stats for women: Female Masturbation Statistics: 1953 to Present. - Finally, what sort of list of informative sites would fail to include the ever-dependable and oh-so-accurate (and yes, that was sarcasm) Wikipedia? The article on Masturbation contains some interesting sections about masturbation in history and society, cultural views and practices regarding masturbation, and the health and psychological effects of masturbation. Never let it be said that our fest isn't educational! Enjoy!! ;) Tags: modly, wank warm-up
April 18th, 2011wanking_mods @ 06:39 pm: We Want to Hear Your Stories! (Wankfest Discussion Post #1)
No, not your Wankfest fics. Well, we want those also, but what we mean is, we want to hear your "real life" stories that involve the diverting dangers and drawbacks of masturbation! Ever been caught with your hand in the cookie jar? Ever caught someone else with their pants down? Have any unfortunate experiences with "what not to do while wanking"? Recall any awkward and embarrassing moments when discussing masturbation with your parents/kids? Take a few moments to tell your sad tales so we can all have a laugh at each other's expense. After all, sex -- even (especially?) with oneself -- is funny! ETA: In the interest in bringing more laughs, humorous stories involving any sort of sex -- solo, partnered, or grouped -- are welcome in this discussion. Just give us a dirty giggle! FYI: Anonymous commenting is enabled, so if you're embarrassed by your story, feel free to post it anonymously.Tags: modly, wank warm-up
April 15th, 2011r_grayjoy @ 11:16 am: Reminder and Wanktastic Poll
First, a reminder that your pieces are due in two days! We do hope they're coming soon (ha ha). If you need a couple of extra days, shoot us a quick email to let us know you're working on it. Hey, sometimes these things take time... We understand! We'd just like to know how many fics/arts to expect. Now, while we're all waiting for the main event, we bring you the first wanktastic poll of 2011: Poll #6049 Wanktastic Poll #1
Open to: All, results viewable to: AllWhich students wank the most? Which Head of House Wanks the most? Which DADA teacher wanks the most? Tags: modly, poll, wank warm-up
April 1st, 2011wanking_mods @ 01:19 am: Due Date Coming!
Spring is in the air (in some parts of the world, at any rate), and this is the time when all young (and not so young) people's thoughts turn to doing obscene things with themselves and others, preferably outdoors, weather permitting. What we mean to say is, your wank-filled pieces are due in just a bit over two weeks -- on Sunday, April 17. So how's everyone doing? Already wanked yourself sore? Not even in the mood yet? We've already received a few fantastic pieces, and we know there will be loads more flooding our inboxes very soon. ...My, that sounded positively filthy, and we weren't even trying that time! Anyway, as a reminder, headers and submission info can be found in this post. There's still a month before the main event begins, but we're going to start doing a few fun things to liven the place up a little while we're waiting. So watch this space over the coming days! Tags: modly
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