HP Wankfest 2011

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June 9th, 2011

wanking_mods @ 12:00 pm: HP Wankfest 2011 Reveals
Wow, it seems like it was just a couple of weeks ago that we wank-loving mods first tossed off around the idea of running another round of Wankfest. And now it's already time for reveals! Time really does fly when you're having, er, fun, doesn't it?

Below the cut you'll find the author and artist reveals. Don't go away just yet, though -- the Wanktastic Awards will be presented a little later today. After that, we'll have some final words and a few last fun things for everyone.

Now, without further ado...

HP Wankfest 2011 Reveals! )

So, what do you think? Some surprises? Some not-at-all-surprises? Find some new authors and artists to follow?

Stick around for the results of the voting!

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June 15th, 2008

wanking_mods @ 12:00 pm: Reveals Are Here!
We'd like to extend a huge THANK YOU to all of our fantastic authors and artists who made this fest so wank-worthy. Without further ado, here is the Wankfest 2008 master list:

Get Your Wankfest Reveals Right Here! )

Everyone by sure to keep watching the comm; results from the voting, banners, icons, and other fun things will be appearing in just a little while!

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