Jun. 7th, 2008


A rec I forgot! *facepalm* 6-7-08

Art! You've got to see this! The color and the body-language are so spartan and so powerful. Go and be amazed! The venom you can almost feel from Snape is so powerful, it comes across the computer screen!

Title: Nine tenths ETA: archived at [info]bymoonlight
Artist: [info]ships_harry
Rating: R
Pairing(s)/character(s): Snupin. Implied Sirius/Remus.
Challenge: Darkfest [2008 at [info]lupin_snape (sic)]
Summary: Going one year with Wolfsbane made the next year without so much harder - with access to Snape's skills again, Remus is willing to strike any deal.
Disclaimer: Not my characters.
Warnings: Coerced consent/informal prostitution - set during OotP at Grimmauld.


Saturday Recs 7 June 2008

TEAM DRAGON ENTRY: BabblingBrook42 "The Truth of Legends"

From the [info]snarry_games

Author: [info]babblingbrook42
Team: Dragon
Genre(s): Alternate Reality
Prompt(s): Inheritance & Puzzles
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: PG; ** minor character death, insinuated but untrue suspicions of inappropriate behavior with a minor *
Word Count: ~28,200
Summary: When Severus’s great uncle dies, he leaves Severus the estate and an unknown and unmentioned ward who is more than meets the eye.

I've toyed with changing the universe that the Potterverse characters inhabit whilst keeping them in character and this story does the same. I loved the Severus Snape who's sort of an alchemic wizard and the mysterious ward, Harry Potter.

I recommend this as a very wonderful example an alternate universe story and those Snarry lovers amongst us will relish Severus' logical mind!

Self-pimping: My Lusty Month of May story from [info]pervy_werewolf

Werewolf Eyes

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: NC17 (erring on the side of caution)
Blanket Pairing(s): Remus Lupin/Severus Snape (overall); Portrait Remus/Portrait Regulus Black; Remus/Severus/Harry; The Bloody Baron/The Grey Lady
Blanket Kink(s): Sex Magic, Threesome, Bestiality [upon occasion]
Blanket Summary: Running as a wolf, Remus Lupin is struck down and locked in a transformation-gone-wrong. Severus Snape and Harry Potter both attempt to help the trapped wizard by joining Lupin's psyche within his mind.
Challenge: LMoM 2008
Word Count: Chapters average between 1100 to 3000+ words [Didn't go back and count up the total! *LOL* Bad author!]
Blanket Genre: Romance; Action/Adventure [at times]
Author's Note: Each chapter carries its own kinks, warnings, and summary as the story was built from scratch over the thirty-one days of May 2008.

While I tried desperately to keep the fellows in character, sometimes Severus got away from me! *LOL* Harry's personality changes with the situation and I thought I caught the uncertainity and the bravado that fits each one. Remus was tough, but he's a warrior who always had to give in...in this fic, he doesn't have to give in or subsume his own wants and needs anymore. I hope y'all take a chance on this.

May. 10th, 2008


Saturday Rec post for 10 May 2008

Being a month of fests, I'm just blow away by the talent all over the place!

Severus Snape in the Prefect's Bath with an Invisibility Cloak on [info]hp_wankfest

AU - The snark is so right!

Title: Silken Fantasy
Author: ?
Character: Severus Snape
Location: Prefects Bath
Object: Invisibility Cloak
Other Characters: Harry Potter
Rating: R
Warnings: Fantasies, mentions of under-aged shenanigans, implied voyeurism
Word Count: +/- 1200

AU - A little vampire action of the HP/DM variety! Fluffy goodness that doesn't add inches to the hips. Go...indulge!

Title: A Proper Vampire
Author: [info]enchanted_jae
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Suggestion, flangst
Word count: 835
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for [info]kabal42, whose prompt was red, tea, spring, velvet.
Summary: Nobody can brood like a vampire, but Harry is tired of his lover's moods.


AU/AR - Oh, this is a lovely DM/HP fairy tale in drawings. Please, go see it and be stunned!

hd inspiration for shinigami_star
Artist: Anonymous
Recipient: LJ user, shinigami_star
Title: Harry Potter and the Frozen Prince
Pairing(s): H/D
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Once upon a time, there was an Ice Prince cursed by an evil wizard...
Warnings (if any): AU, m/m sex, Rimming. Post is very image heavy.

May. 3rd, 2008


Saturday Rec post for 3 May 2008

Hello, all!

Well, culling my way through the fests...and believe me, there are NOT enough hours in the day--or week--to take it all in!

ETA: Fest stories rec'd from: hd_inspired (LJ) & [info]snarry_games & [info]pervy_werewolf's Lusty Month of May 2008.

Under the cut, because I've given my recommendations and the pertinent story info! )