Apr. 21st, 2008


Don't Mess with the Malfoys (Lucius/Narcissa, Lucius/Andromeda, Lucius/Severus, NC-17)

Title:Don't Mess with the Malfoys
Artist:Melfina the Blue
Prompt: 102: When Voldemort makes Narcissa and/or Draco "disappear" in order to compel Lucius's cooperation, the Dark Lord failed to consider the deep bonds of family in pureblood tradition. What will Lucius do when faced with such a loss? To whom will he turn for alliance/comfort/recovery? How much damage can Lucius do to Voldemort's cause should he choose to fight instead of flee? (Up to writer what "disappear" can mean: could be First or Second War, or make it as AU as you like.)
Pairing: Lucius/Narcissa, Lucius/Andromeda, Lucius/Severus implied
Rating:NC-17 for violence
Word Count:4225
Summary:The Dark Lord destroys Lucius's family and then recreates it (in a twisted way).
Warnings: Character death, AU.
Author's Note: Panicking Lucius comes from Coupling (if you've never seen the British version, you should). Big thanks to lilian_cho who pushed me to get this done. Originally written for [info]phoenix_flies
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