Posts Tagged: 'character:+ron+weasley'

Jun. 8th, 2021



Journal: Roxanne

[Sirius Black, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Remus Lupin, Lilu Potter]
Morning! I wasn't sure which of you to write to so you're all getting it. Anyway, I think we've got as far as we're going to get with these goblin wands without actual goblins to do the testing. Peter told me there's still one kicking around Gringotts? Do you think we could borrow/visit/harass him?

[Lilu & Savannah]
We need a night out. How about Friday?

Jun. 2nd, 2021



Journal: Hogwarts Filter

We have a slight problem. In fact, we're not even sure if there's a problem, but random things have been appearing. We didn't even noticed, but one of the house-elves mentioned to me that they found things that belonged in the past.

This might be just something being stuck in some room and popping up in the kitchen or it might be the magic going really wonky, whether because it's just wonky or because we're poking at it, we don't know.

In conclusion, there's a lot we don't know, but be careful and pay attention.

May. 27th, 2021



RP: Lilu's Birthday

Who: Harry, Jamie, Albus, Lilu, Ron, Hermione, Roxanne, James, Lily, Scorpius, Draco
When: 27th May
Where: Chessington World of Adventures
What: Celebrating Lilu's birthday

- They apparated right outside of the parking lot. That area is all agricultural and has no cameras.
- They arrived at opening time (10am) and left at closing time (5pm)
- Because it's a weekday, they didn't find lines for most attractions and could do everything they wanted.
- Harry was amused by the many 'magic' related rides with dragons, flying brooms and even goblins.
- Harry paid for everyone's entrance

May. 20th, 2021



Journal: Harry

Hogwarts Filter

Since we are trying to create a new society, we need a list of bank holidays and I wanted your suggestions.

Already down: Christmas, Boxing Day New Year's, Good Friday, Easter and Easter Monday, Remembrance Day.

Any other suggestions? We're aiming for one a month.


You have carte blanche in studying the castle magic and the time travel. I've spoken to Regulus to put a rule that any study done through the DoM is legal.

Call it a hunch, but I don't think that the castle did this. I think we might have done this and the magic morphed or we did something to the castle. I don't know.


I was talking to Jamie while putting clues together and it became obvious that the clues are made for us (or me). My gut says that someone was fucking with fertility and we knew something was coming, so we created some kind of spell that brought us back. Just a hunch but my hunches tend to be right.

What do you think? Am I being too arrogant here?

May. 18th, 2021



Hogwarts Filter

There will be a daily sign-out sheet at the Main Entrance. We need to know where you're going and roughly how long you plan to be gone. This is not to limit people's movements, but so we know where to look if and when you're gone longer than anticipated. I recommend taking your journal with you, as it will not be out of place for someone to be scribbling in a journal. This way, you'll be able to message if your trip is longer than anticipated. A member of the DMLE will be assigned to monitor the sign-out sheet on rotation, and people will be expected to check in with the assigned person when they are back in the castle.

May. 10th, 2021



Journal: Harry

Hogwarts Filter

What a week right? Anyway thanks to Padma and her team to make sure we don't go on fire, we have our journals back. I didn't think they would come this useful.

Anyway, we've decided that we all need a break and on Friday night, we'll be Apparating to Diagon Alley and then walking into London and finding a restaurant. I can't tell you what's around the Leaky anymore or what kind of cuisine, but we'll try to find something that can accommodate us all. We'll be working with Scorpius and magazines to transfigure clothes into Muggle clothes.

This isn't mandatory, but please let me know how many are interested so we have an idea. Also this is a little experiment to see that nothing bad happens if we leave all together. It's also a little test run for more Muggle excursions.

Starting next Monday at 10 after the Heads meeting, we'll have muggle training, trying to learn as much as we can about Muggles. The hope is that we'll be able to move a little more freely.

Also starting tomorrow, Lucius will have Treasury and Commerce, while Kirley and Myron will work for DAMN (blame Parvati for this.)


So want to look with me for clues in Diagon Alley? Unless you're busy.

May. 5th, 2021



Hogwarts Filter

In light of events, I am stepping down as head of the DMLE. Someone better suited can have the job.



Journal: Harry

Hogwarts Filter

After breathing, Friday's trip is cancelled.

Also I quit effective immediately as Minister since obviously I can't do the job.

Hermione and Ron

Want to start hunting for clues? Draco said it best when he said that this is what we do. I'd be petty and move into Grimmauld Place again since we do have a house and enough money to live happily ever after, but I can't do that to my parents and Draco. We can be here and make day trips to find for the clues.

May. 4th, 2021



Journal: Harry

Hogwarts Filter

Friday night, we'll be Apparating to Diagon Alley and then walking into London and finding a restaurant. I can't tell you what's around the Leaky anymore or what kind of cuisine, but we'll try to find something that can accommodate us all. We'll be working with Scorpius and magazines to transfigure clothes into Muggle clothes.

This isn't mandatory, but please let me know how many are interested so we have an idea.


So want to look with me for clues in Diagon Alley? Unless you're busy.


You're good to go. Give me the names and we'll have a new Ministry directory.


So my house and the floo in the Headmaster's office used to be connected. Do you think they still are? Or can you figure out how to do it without an entire system? If so, could your department be able to make more Floo powder? It would give us a great way to get into the middle of London without any Muggle seeing us Apparate.

May. 3rd, 2021



Warded to Ron and Hermione

Hey Ron, do you know anything about Parvati wanting to start DAMN aka Department for the Advancement of Magical Needs. She's talking about soldiers, music, clothes and lots of things I don't know about, but if she can work with people while they do their other jobs, I don't see why say no, but I wanted your opinion. Hermione's too.

Apr. 28th, 2021



RP: Ron & Parvati

Who: Ron & Parvati
When: 28 April, mid-afternoon
Where: Ron's office
What: Ron has some questions for Parvati

Read more... )

Apr. 11th, 2021



RP: Ron & Peter

Who: Ron & Peter
When: 11 April, after lunch
Where: Outside the Great Hall
What: Awkward conversation

Uh, hey )

Apr. 8th, 2021



Journal: Ron

Harry and Hermione

You two ok? Do you know who had my memories? It was Jamie, wasn't it? And Parvati was Harry and Padma was Hermione?


How are you handling this all? Need anything?


I'm sorry about Cassandra. I, uh, had your memories so I know you two were close.

Mar. 31st, 2021



Journal: Hogwarts Filter

Has anyone seen Cassandra, Teddy, Cho and Glenda? They haven't shown up at work.

Jamie, see if you can find any trace of them

Ron, can you check on Cassandra?

Also new arrivals: my father, Regulus and my daughter, Savannah.

Mar. 28th, 2021



RP: After the game

Who: Everyone
When: after the game 28 March
Where: the pitch
What: It's the battle of the generations

The Game )

Mar. 26th, 2021



Usually I look forward to the weekend.

Isn't someone supposed to be getting a Quidditch game going?

Barring that I had hoped at least that a new issue of the Scarlet Letter would be out by now. Pity.

Warded to Roxanne Weasley )

Mar. 23rd, 2021



RP: Theo and Ron

Who: Theo & Ron
When: 5:30ish March 23
Where: Outside, near the forest
What: You're an idiot Nott!

What did I say?! )

Mar. 22nd, 2021



Hogwarts Filter

In the future, if your job requires you to go into the forest or Hogsmeade or anywhere off the castle grounds, you will need to notify me. Someone in the DMLE will go along, or if that's determined not to be necessary we'll at least know where you are. Don’t be stupid and go anywhere alone, without anyone knowing where you are!



Journal: Savannah

Warded t Harry and Ron )

Warded to Kirley and Lucius )

Warded to Snape )

Warded to Jamie )

Mar. 21st, 2021





No, really, Quidditch!! We have brooms now, thank you Savannah you aee a goddess amoungst women, and we should be getting some friendly action going so WHO WANTS TO FORM A OR SOME QUIDDITCH TEAMS???