November 8th, 2012

[info]notsoslytherin in [info]goblet_ooc

So, with everything going on in my life I only just realised that I've never done a thread. WTF.

So this has to be fixed.

Would anyone be up for a thread or I'll just chuck up an open one in a bit cause omg I don't know how I missed this. Epic fail on my part.

[info]fleurescent in [info]goblet_ooc

Introducing Fleur Delacour!

Bonjour les amis! I'm Gina and I'm bringing you Fleur Weasley! I'm a 22 year old college student with a love for all things nerdy. I may have RPed with some of you previously, though I've been off the grid for a little while. Anyways -- enough about me and on to Fleur:
As you all know she's the champion from Beauxbaton's; also the head of class 7D. Fleur misses home terribly, but she's doing alright. Mostly, she's trying to make sense of things while realizing that soon enough she'll be out in the real world. As far as personality goes, she's pretty selfish but she means well. She's trying to come off a bit nicer since not many of the girls at Hogwarts seem to like her, but you know, it's probably just cause they all want to be her and it has nothing to do with the fact that she's always rolling her eyes and talking about how France is better than this dingy school.
Looking for anything you'll give me: friends, roommates, rivals, enemies, exes, etc. If you want to read more about her, you can access her profile here! If you guys wanna plot a bit deeper and not on this post, you can reach me on aim at rawrzinyoface or e-mail me at! Looking forward to playing with you all and I can't wait to get started!

[info]calepin in [info]goblet_ooc


I forgot to post about this amid all my trying-to-pack-oh-god-the-bathroom's flooding madness of the last few days.

Anyway, I'm now on vacation in the US for the next three weeks. I'll be around, but maybe slower to respond to things. If such a thing is even possible. But I shall try my best!

[info]gobletmods in [info]goblet_ooc

Run it again, and please welcome Gina, who brings us Fleur Delacour ([info]fleurescent)!