October 18th, 2012

[info]gobletmods in [info]goblet_ooc

Run it, as Alison gives us Yakov Poliakoff ([info]accio_yakov)!

[info]accio_yakov in [info]goblet_ooc

Hiiii it's Alison again. Sorry about the boring journal names, by the way. I'm getting easily confused these days so I'm trying to get the journal names for each game next to or near each other on my lj login menu (which is sorted alphabetically). This will only make sense to firefox users who use the lj login button, and possibly not all of those. Ah well.

So this young man is Yakov Poliakoff, a 7th year boy from Durmstrang. Yakov is pronounced Yak-cove but he doesn't really care much if you get it wrong. He is very easygoing, y'see. Canonically, he wants wine and spills food all down the front of his robes, so you get a character based around that :-P He's a total slob, and he loves food more than anything. You'd think he'd be fat but apparently his metabolism is in his favour in that respect. I bet he's going to get one hell of a belly in his late twenties, though. He's Jewish but blatantly eats pork when his dad isn't there to stop him. Don't think he's not devout though! If someone tries to get him to work on the Sabbath, he is suddenly Jewish again ;-)

His bio is here if you want to read it. It's actually quite sad because his dad basically pressured him so much and made him feel like such a failure that he gave up trying to be anything. Your characters won't know that, though. They'll just see a lazy, messy, affable and fairly cheerful boy who spills food and needs to be tricked or coerced into changing his underwear before it stinks up the castle. (Oh yeah, ladies, he's a catch.) He needs girls to mother him and persuade him to wash his hair, and boys to be boys with. Enemies and people who are overcome by his grossness also welcome!