October 17th, 2012

[info]manofauthority in [info]goblet_ooc

*spot the other [info]gobletmods character in his icons*

Hello everyone. My name is Heather and I'm a character-concept addict... X-D !

This here is Anzelm Piotr Slawomierz Kowalczyk-Szczepanski, or to you lot, Anzelm Szczepanski (there's a story behind why he has a double barrelled surname and his siblings don't, in his bio). If you're currently looking at the lack of vowels and going "Bwuh?", he laughs at you. There were far, far more complicated choices about ;)

He's a 7th Year from Durmstrang, and a Polish pureblood who also happens to be good pals with a certain Bulgarian Seeker we all know... speaking of, Anzelm also plays Quidditch (Beater), but unlike some of his pals, has no desire to go pro. His role model is his dad, who is a barrister specialising in human rights law in Wizarding Eastern Europe. His focus is on bringing prosecution suits related to the supporters of Grindelwald and the atrocities committed in that era. What Anzelm has taken from this is a desire to become an Auror - thus he catches 'em, and his dad will get 'em locked up. The family are social activists and Anzelm has picked up on that, not really caring that the more hoity-toity families consider the good Szczepanski name soiled for their politics, and the small matter of Anzelm, the firstborn, being born out of wedlock. He couldn't give a crap about what they think about either matter.

He's a prefect at Durmstrang but is something of a thorn in the side of the Administration, as he criticises school policy (loudly) on a regular basis - particularly the rule that effectively (if not intentionally) bans Muggleborns. A gamble, yes, but that's what he's like - and he's playing off the fears of the school that if he lost his position, it would make the school look like they were returning to the blood purist politics of old. Needless to say, the loathing he has for Karkaroff is entirely mutual and the governors can't wait to get rid of him ;)

You won't need translation charms to talk to him - his dad's political savvy meant that as soon as his magic showed, he was tutored in English as well as Norwegian whilst preparing for school. It's a matter of pride that he doesn't use automatic quills or translation charms in either language. He's also working on his other languages at the moment, able to hold a reasonable conversation in some of Durmstrang's other common languages - Russian, Finnish, Bulgarian and German. He doesn't write them so well without magic, but he's working on that, he says. Can you tell he wants to go into politics after retiring from active duty as an Auror? Lol :)

He's actually not a scary political type and is pretty good to have around as a friend. He's the sort of person who will try and bring everyone into a conversation or activity, and makes a point of asking girls to dance at socials if they're by themselves, no matter who they are. His friendship policy is pretty inclusive and is looking to meet as many new people as possible whilst at Hogwarts. If he can piss off the purist types back home by taking a half-blood or muggleborn girl to the Yule Ball, even better!

This guy's completely new for me, so PLOT WITH ME! I'M EXCITED!