August 29th, 2012

[info]missunderstood in [info]goblet_ooc

back from hiatus

well actually got back on saturday but have not really had a great deal of energy. seemed like i had the car equivalent of jet lag (five hour trips in a car are not fun) and that plus a headache have been me kind of :/

anyway allegra and myself are back now and raring to go. ...and obviously get that other app done.


[info]terentiushiggs in [info]goblet_ooc

Hello folks,

My name is Millie and I play Terence Higgs. I'm pretty sure I know some (most?) of you from previous RPGs, but it's been a while. A long while. So I look forward to uh, meeting you all again!

Anyway, onto Terence. What can I say? He can be summed up as 'rich but harmless'. He holds a great many conflicting opinions about everything and likes to troll people. Boredom is his worst enemy. If he had to go into solitary confinement for an hour he'd probably die. It's for that reason alone that wouldn't go as far as trying to land detention. He's in every Hogwarts club because he enjoys joining clubs for the sake of it.

BFFs, acquaintances, ex-girlfriends, current girlfriends, future girlfriends, mortal enemies - all welcome!