August 28th, 2012

[info]astellaidea in [info]goblet_ooc

Stella's Birthday!

Hello lovelies,

Today (August 28th) is Stella's 16th birthday! As you may have seen from Stella and Calvin's conversation on her journal, she decided to have a birthday party. She has decided to keep on with it despite the QWC debacle because she thinks maybe people need a distraction? Stella likes distractions.

All the 6th year Puffs and Claws were invited, along with Alicia, Angelina, Katie, Vicky, the Weasley twins, Lee, Warrington (because of Hamish), Orsino, Jules (for politeness sake as he is her brother's roommate), Samantha, Demelza, Cho, and Marietta. The party will be in a rented room at venue in Wizarding London (someone creative come up with a name??) and there will be food and music and booze for those of age. Stella is not of age. She will manage to get quite tipsy anyway.

Feel free to do threads or mention it in journals or send Stella gifts, says Stella. xoxo

[info]ravenclawlari in [info]goblet_ooc

Back from hiatus / technical hitch

Hi all! I'm properly back from hiatus now, and considering the sorts of fun things my girls might get up to. In the meantime, I feel I should warn you that I'm still having some technical issues with AIM, meaning that sometimes either messages I send bounce right back at me, or people send me messages and I've no frigging idea about it. Please don't be offended if I don't reply - feel free to e-mail me or add me on MSN (same addy as my e-mail) if that suits, and in the meantime, I'm looking into changing the platform I use.

So excited to get right back into it, especially threading, as I haven't done that in a while!

(Oh, and interesting news re: The Great Iraqi Debacle 2011 for those in the know - on my last day staying with my friend - incidentally a year since we all arrived there - we found out that Bitchface!Boss got fired by the sponsors from the main campus, leaving her with the tiny school with less than 20 pupils, and forcing her to move locations. Couldn't happen to a nicer person, eh?)

- Heather (Vicky and Larissa)


[info]gobletmods in [info]goblet_ooc

Run it! Please welcome Millie, who brings us Terence Higgs ([info]terentiushiggs)!