August 23rd, 2012

[info]missunderstood in [info]goblet_ooc

mini-hiatus :(

patricia already knows. but i figured I better let the rest of you know that I'll be gone thursday/friday and possibly the rest of the weekend, though not too sure about that. it all depends on how the mini op goes to remove two screws from my ankle (about five months ago i fell from a ladder and broke my leg, but at the same time also happened to dislocate the ankle... so yeah).

so fingers crossed it all gets done and i don't have to stay too long at hospital (it's supposed to be a day op, if they do the anaesthetic by epidural (rather than the whole tube down the throat) i should be out in the afternoon they reckon).

see you all on the flipside.

- Julie

[info]misshiggstoyou in [info]goblet_ooc

Hello! Becca here again with my second little cherub. This one is Amelia Higgs, Slytherin 5th year. Hmmm... things you should know about Amelia...

• Most people call her Amelia, but her close friends can call her Amy.
• Her older brother is Terence Higgs, who will hopefully be in play soon.
• She is generally quite diplomatic (despite actually being deeply irritated with lots and lots of people), and will be friendly enough because she doesn't like to burn her bridges when she might need something from someone later.
• However, she can be caustic if sufficiently annoyed.
• Her best friend is Allegra Flint.
• She's got a real natural gift for Divination but she doesn't really know how to control or interpret her skills. She's always had difficulty sleeping and an odd sense of déjà vu, both of which stem from predictive dreams that she doesn't know she has as she can never remember what she dreams about.
• She is annoyingly perceptive about people, even when they don't want her to be.
• She recently dumped Roger Davies after a six month relationship. At this point, most people probably know they were together but don't yet know they've split up. (If you've any interest in playing an acrimonious teenage break-up, app Roger!)
• Also, she is very, very allergic to cats and has to take a potion from Pomfrey every day. Some people think she has a potion addiction or a terminal disease. She doesn't.

And that's that! Let's plot! Friends, people who have successfully naffed her off, etc!

[info]calepin in [info]goblet_ooc

Cal Fawcett

Hi, guys!

I'm Natasha and I'm bring you Slytherin seventh year Calvin 'Cal' Fawcett, big brother of Stella. His main skills in life are languages and looking after his sister, with a sideline in flirting with pretty foreign girls. Being a polyglot and a Slytherin, he's probably heard a few cunning linguist jokes in his time. Currently, he's pining over a French girl he met this summer. Not that he'll admit to such a thing.

I'm open to all sort of relationships. Friends, exes, enemies, people whose plants he's killed... Anything, really.

[info]gobletmods in [info]goblet_ooc

Assorted modly stuff.

As you have read in the rules, we'll have activity checks at the end of each month - usually around the 23/24, in order to give you a week to get ready. However, since we're still introducing our first characters, there won't be an activity check for August.

As a reminder, the minimum requirement at the end of each month will be of two pieces of activity per character. A piece of activity can either be:
* a post with at least 100 words or five sentences
* a thread/log with at least five comments from your character
* an owl message
* a complete narrative
* a hiatus note if you've been absent for a week or more

Secondly, the plot post for September will be posted on the 28th, and will feature such events as the students' return to Hogwarts, and Draco Malfoy, the Amazing Bouncing Ferret! If you have any ideas for incidents that should feature in the calendar, like someone accidentally transfiguring their fellow student into a pineapple or a disturbing encounter with Moaning Myrtle, let us know so that it can be added to the list.

Also, in two days time the Quidditch World Cup final will take place. For that reason, we'll be having two IC/OOC posts (one for the game and another for the Death Eater riot) where those of you with characters attending the game can thread and/or comment as much as you want about the game and the Death Eater riot later on. If you prefer, of course, you can just have your character post about it in their journal.

And finally, I'd like to point out that, with the exception of Rita Skeeter (whose acid green quill is sure to cause some damages in a few days' time), all non-playable canon characters are up for grabs. The teaching staff icons that you can see at [info]gobletnpc are just placeholders in case any of them might be needed for a thread, and can be replaced by another PB of your choice if you decide to claim any of them for yourself. To make a claim, just log into the NPC journal and add your name either to the keywords of the icon description.

If you have any question that hasn't been answered in this post, just leave a comment. I'll reply asap!