August 14th, 2012

[info]gobletmods in [info]goblet_ooc

Run the button and welcome Heather, who brings us Vicky Frobisher ([info]victoriaregina)!

[info]victoriaregina in [info]goblet_ooc

Hi all! I'm Heather, I'm certain I've played with at least three of you before, and I'm bringing Vicky Frobisher (yeah, I know, what a surprise!) to the game for my first.

To sum her up:

* Sixth year Gryffindor, November birthday (she'll be gutted she can't enter the tournament). President of the Charms Club, she's also in Choir and Book Club. She's also mad on Quidditch, and plays Keeper for a local amateur team in London when not at Hogwarts. Going to the World Cup? You'll see her there.

* Her family is ancient, but not pure. They've married muggles and muggleborns many times over the past millennium or so. They're also technically titled - her maternal grandfather is a Lord - but if you call Vicky 'The Right Honourable Victoria Anne Frobisher' (the honorific to which she's entitled), she'll wait till a teacher's not looking and hex you. Both her parents are descended from the upper classes and have former ladies-in-waiting to wives of Henry VIII in their ancestry.

* Speaking of parents, her father is a Ministry plant within the BBC, ensuring wizarding news doesn't sneak out amongst the Muggles. His cover is that he presents a highbrow politics programme called 'Westminster on Sunday'. Her mother is a society photographer (think along the lines of David Snowdon) who has clients in the Muggle and Magical world. Prices are high.

* She's taking Arithmancy, Charms, History of Magic, Muggle Studies, Potions and Transfiguration. Charms and Muggle Studies are her faves.

* She doesn't have a familiar but is thinking of getting one this summer.

* She's fairly laid back, but is very honest (and not as a euphemism for being a mean bitch, either) when approached. Doesn't usually poke her nose in unless her contribution might be listened to.

Looking forward to playing! :)