August 13th, 2012

[info]accio_barney in [info]goblet_ooc

Hey guys! I'm Alison and I have two characters here (so far... anyone who's played with me before will probably know I laugh in the face of character limits :-P). You can reach me by email at herringprincess at gmail dot com, on AIM (sometimes) as imphandsosmywife, and my CDJ is at [info]fuckyeahbadgers.

Character one is Barney Dunstan, a bouncy and somewhat clueless Hufflepuff in Cedric's year. He's very sporty, very physical, he lives on a farm and he has the worst case of verbal diarrhoea known to man. He just cannot stop saying everything that comes into his head, and it makes other people's heads hurt apparently. Ah well. He's a sweet guy, not a malicious bone in his body, but he's a bit dim and clueless about a lot of things, including girls. His bio is here if you want to check it out. He's Team Cedric all the way :-)

The other is Alicia Spinnet ([info]accio_alicia), who is a... highly opinionated young lady. Other than Quidditch, she's most well known for being very outspoken, especially with regards to feminism. She's friendly and smart and if you can deal with having debates every five minutes about everything under the sun, she'd be a good friend to have. Her bio is here. Alicia is good friends with Harry and so she's Team Harry. She does, however, enjoy looking at Cedric, so she will probably giggle cheer for him as well ;-)

Looking forward to playing with you all! Let me know if you think your characters and mine can be friends... or enemies... or whatever! I've left Barney's mother's name blank if anyone wants to be cousins, and I've also given Alicia a sister in the year above, if anyone's interested in applying for her :-D

[info]myownfanclub in [info]goblet_ooc

Hi, everybody! Patricia here again - this time not to bring you modly stuff but to introduce myself and my two characters.

I'm Portuguese, a bookworm, and a Doctor Who fanatic. You can contact me at patricia[dot]esteves[at]gmail[dot]com (no aim, I'm afraid - it hates me with a passion and refuses to work for me) and my CDJ is at [info]nentari but beware - enter at your own risk. And, of course, there's the mod email.

As for my characters, this here is Cormac McLaggen. You probably think you know all about him - loud, arrogant, obnoxious, bossy, rude, stubborn as hell, and willing to do anything if dared, no matter how stupid. Well, while all those things are actually true, there's also another side to him. He's very loyal and protective of his friends, for example, so if you're able to put up with his constant need to talk about his favourite subject (himself) you'll gain a friend who will be willing to take a hex for you. You'll also gain access to free booze, as his uncle Tiberius owns the Firewhiskey company and as a result he is able to smuggle bottles into the school, which he'll share to people he likes (as long as he knows they're not likely to get him into trouble, obviously). Although he comes from a very old pureblood family that tends to look down on muggle-borns, Cormac himself is aware that blood purity is stupid and is trying to ruffle his parents' feathers by going against "the McLaggen way" but getting his hair ruffled and hearing chuckles about "the silliness of youth" as response. Oh yes, and although he's a bit handsy when it comes to girls, he does have female friends he treats with respect, though that's mainly because in his eyes they become "one of the boys". You can check his bio here.

Character number two is Hamish Fraser ([info]notahamster), sixth year and Keeper for the Ravenclaw team. He's the identical twin of Cassius Warrington from Slytherin (who will hopefully join us soon), but it's pretty easy to tell them apart in both looks and personality. In Hamish's case, he grew up in a muggle farm near Loch Ness, has a really thick Scottish accent, with a tendency to slip in some words in Gaelic and Scots here and there, and a penchant for wearing kilts. He's not your typical Ravenclaw, as he's really terrible in theory classes, and is known for falling asleep whenever he needs to spend some time in the library. You might hear rumours that he got a T in his History of Magic OWL, which he'll be quick to tell you is a downright lie - it was a D! He's pretty good at practical stuff, though, to the point that he got an O in Potions. Of course, the fact Snape favours him for his ties to the Warrington family might have helped as well. He's also really shy and awkward when it comes to girls, and tends to react to female flirtiness with considerable panic - and the more interested they'll seem to be, the more panicky he'll become. You can check his bio here.

Anyway, let me know how you think our characters will interact with each other. Plot ideas are always welcome!