Sheltered Network Community


Welcome To Your New Home

Girl in a jacket

Sheltered is a game revolving around a Sanctuary City for the Supernatural. It plays host to a wide array of non-human residents just trying to live their lives, both long term residents and new arrivals.

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Sheltered Network Community


Welcome To Your New Home

Girl in a jacket

Sheltered is a game revolving around a Sanctuary City for the Supernatural. It plays host to a wide array of non-human residents just trying to live their lives, both long term residents and new arrivals.

May 2019


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Sheltered - Network

Battle for the sake of honor may be a fine thing for bards to sing of, but it is no way to preserve one's homeland

Posts Tagged: 'ainsley+carrow'

Mar. 29th, 2019



[No Subject]

Crawfish boils are how we herald the arrival of spring in Nawlins. Here, at Boudin, we will be doing the same thing for the next three weekends or so. Pounds and pounds of boiled crawfish - spiced in the best kind of way, meaning citrus, pepper, and clove - with red bliss potatoes, andouille sausage, and corn on the cob.

It is literally all boiled in a pot and then dumped out onto a long, communal table. You eat with your hands - pull-suck-peel-and-pinch the crawfish - which is why these events are best done outside, so you must join us on the wharf. We will be hard to miss, considering how messy it is - if you don’t have crawfish juice running up to your elbows and spices and bits of shell beneath your fingernails, you’re doing it wrong. Wet naps will be available.

For those who do not wish to eat with their hands this kind of way, there will be stuffed crabs, crawfish pies, alligator sausage, and turtle soup also available for spring. Best with beer served in a frozen goblet.



[No Subject]

So I've been reliably informed that this is the right place to be posting to reach a wider audience than a crappy flyer in the Satyr.

I'm Ashley, new to town, pretty good at fixing shit. If you've got something that's broke give me a shout, I can come help.

Mar. 28th, 2019





Hello Citizenry of Summerview. To celebrate the six-year anniversary of The Long Way Down there will be a big celebration this Saturday evening where we unveil our new permanent rooftop eating/seating area.

There will be raffles, drink specials, food specials, and a band. for some reason. All current and former employees get a free drink and meal.

I also bought a new oak table that doesn't have knife marks in it yet for the roof so uh, lets keep five finger fillet challenges inside for a bit alright? Thanks.

Locked to Current Employees

I expect tips to be pretty good that night, I'll be working pretty much all night, but if anyone wants to only work a half shift so they can still have a good time and relax let me know.

Mar. 16th, 2019



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