Jan. 23rd, 2011


Characters: Calvin and Jason W.
NPCs: Mentions of Shaw
Location: 46th District Precinct, Mutant Town, NYC
Timeline: Thursday, January 13, 1976
Description: Calvin manages to get down to the precinct to get Jason outta of jail.
Rating: PG

It was only a matter of time )

Jan. 21st, 2011


Thread: Jeanne-Marie and Jason

Characters: Jeanne-Marie Beaubier and Jason Wyngarde
NPCs: Random club-goers, other girls
Location: The Hellfire Club
Timeline: Friday, January 21, 1976, Evening
Description: She's attempting to get over a certain fear, though it's under the guise of trying to thank and de-stress Jason
Rating: TBD

She could do it. How hard could it be? )

Jan. 12th, 2011


Thread: The thrilling conclusion!

Characters: Jason Wyngarde, Tessa Papusza, Matt Murdock and OTA!
NPCs: Judge, attorneys, bailiff, stenographer - random court people, otherwise
Timeline: Monday, January 10, 1976 - morning; the Monday after The raid on the HFC
Location: 46th District Precinct! → Mutant Town, NYC
Description: Arraignment!
Rating: G

Case Number 76-102379, The State of New York versus Papusza, Tessa and Wyngarde, Jason et. al. )

Jan. 11th, 2011


Characters: Regan and Jason Wyngarde
NPCs: Random diner-goers
Timeline: Tuesday, January 11, 1976 - Afternoon
Location: Some greasy spoon diner on neutral territory
Description: Jason's hungry and Regan's looking for a free meal
Rating: PG-13?

In her world, a girl shouldn't have to pay )

Jan. 7th, 2011


Thread: HFC Raid

Characters: Open to any Hellfire Club members and patrons
NPCs: Captain Rogers, Sentinels, Sebastian Shaw
Location: The Hellfire Club
Timeline: Friday, January 7, 1976 - evening
Description: The club gets raided - Captain Rogers is looking for people using illicit substances, prostitution, pimping, guns, etc., etc., etc.
Rating: R...?
OOC: Feel free to sub-thread before and/or after the raid (just specify in the subject line), have your character get caught, or escape. If they get caught there's a good chance they'll be arrested and throw in the drunk tank, booked and then released in the morning, fyi! Happy RPing!

Sure if he could collar a few peddlers and scumbags in pursuit, well, then it'd be a good night, too. )

[Hellfire Club!]

Dec. 8th, 2010


Thread: Jason, Jean and Calvin

Who: Jason Wyngarde, Jean Grey, Calvin Rankin.
What: A little street magic.
When: December 03, 1975.
Rating: PG-13.
Status: Completed Log.

Now for my next trick... )

Dec. 5th, 2010


Thread: Jason Wyngarde, Calvin Rankin, Mary Walker.

Characters: Jason Wyngarde, Calvin Rankin, Mary Walker.
Description: Pay day
Timeline: Saturday Night, December 04 '75 (after club hours)
Location: Hellfire Club, Back Room
Rating: R (content)
Status: In Progress

Now don't go spending it all in one place, you foxy mamas! )

Oct. 30th, 2010


Thread: Hellfire Club Halloween Event

Characters: Sebastian Shaw, Tessa Papusza and OTA HFC + Their Dates
NPCs: The Mayor (Norman Osborn????) and random party-goers.
Location: The Hellfire Club, M-Town, NYC.
Timeline: Halloween night: Sunday, October 31, 1975.
Description: TBD
Rating: R?

The day had been spent preparing the club for the nights festivities. They had ads in all of the news paper: </i>If there was one party to attend this Halloween it was at the Hellfire Club. Be there or be square. You don't want to miss this spectacular spectacula masquerade event. Costumes and masks required.</i>

Ah the life of a playboy )

Oct. 28th, 2010


Characters: Slim Summers and OTA
NPCs: Two jerks and some random onlookers
Location: Outside Scott's apartment
Timeline: October 28th 1975
Description: Scott doesn't want blood all over his sidewalk.
Rating: PG-13 so far.

Scott dressed and reluctantly made his way outside to greet the day )

[Open To All]