Feb. 18th, 2009


Characters: Kenuichio "Silver Samurai" Harada, Bette Royal, Sebastian "Black King" Shaw
NPCs: --
Location: Hellfire Club, Ken's apartment
Time: Wednesday, February 18th, 1978 (10pm)
Decription: Troublemakers hit the HFC.
Rating: R for language and violence

Read more... )

Jan. 20th, 2009


Characters: Bette and Ken
NPCs: none
Timeline: 11am, Thursday, December 15, 1978 (backdated)
Location: Bette’s apartment
Description: Ken comes to pick Bette up for a day out. There is chatting and teasing. Just a glimpse at Bette and Ken’s friendship to date.
Rating: PG-13

She liked him better when it was just the two of them. )

Jan. 15th, 2009


Characters: Bette, Shaw, and Piotr
NPCs: Random people at the HFC?
Timeline: 3am ish, directly following this thread
Location: Hellfire Club, back in the VIP room
Description: Bette and Shaw get some news from Piotr, and then figure out a plan of action
Rating: 14A ish?

She wouldn't trust a telepath either, if she weren't one herself. )