Feb. 9th, 2009


Bros Before Hos

Characters: Jack "Mass Master" Power and Alex "Zero G" Power
NPCs: bums
Location: the alleyways of Mutant Town
Timeline: February 14th, early evening (forwarddated just a bit)
Description: Jack has a hot date... except, not.
Rating: R for language, hee!

It wasn't like he had plans. )

Feb. 2nd, 2009


Characters: Alex & Open
NPCs: --
Timeline: Monday, Feb 2, 1978
Location: Chen's Chinese Food
Description: A hungry courier must be fed!
Rating: --

Alex smiled and asked for a table for one. )
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Jan. 12th, 2009


Characters: Billy "Asgardian" Kaplan and Alex "Zero G" Power
NPCs: Guiseppe, pizzagoers and gamers
Location: Neutral turf, Guiseppe's Pizzeria, just downstairs from Billy's apartment.
Time: January - evening
Description: PIZZA and PONG!
Rating: PG to start

Now was the time to put his money where his mouth was. )

Dec. 13th, 2008


Characters: Kitty Pryde, Alex Power
Location: Bloom Apartments
Timeline: Saturday, December 13
Description: Kitty goes to fetch her mail and finds one of her delivery boys instead - wait, what's that smell?
Rating: PG-13 at least for likely language

I'm in love with Mary Jane / She's my main thing / She makes me feel alright )


Dec. 5th, 2008


Characters: Alex Power & Erik Lensherr!
NPCs: --
Location: The streets
Time: December 5, 1977 - afternoon
Description: Alex is done with deliveries for the day and is taking it easy, walking his bike back to the depot.
Rating: TBD

It was a good day, and Friday to boot. )

Dec. 2nd, 2008



Characters: Warren "Angel" Worthington and Alex "Zero G" Power
NPCs: --
Location: On the fire escape of Storm's apartment building
Time: [backdated] November 30, 1977 - afternoon, same time as the Broho meeting
Description: Philosophizin' and pot smokin'.
Rating: PG-13

Man, not squares. Cube. Total cube. But that's them and don't fault them for being squares when you're a cube just because you're a triangle. A triangle cube. Octagon. Rubix cube. Dodeka...dodekaha....something. )

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Characters: Ororo Munroe and Alex Power (Cameo by JP Beaubier)
Location: Full Bloom
Timeline: 4pm - December 2nd, 1977
Description: Alex gets all jittery about landlady door notes.
Rating: PG

Rain, rain, go away... )


Nov. 29th, 2008


Log: Alex & Billy

Characters: Billy "Asgardian" Kaplan & Alex "Zero G" Power
NPCs: Shop owner
Location: Deep Purple
Time: 12pm - Saturday, November 29, 1977
Description: Alex delivers a package to the Hellfire Club at Deep Purple via Billy.
Rating: PG-13 for drug references

Any plug for my promptness, charm and dashing good looks never hurts. )