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Forgotten Gods RPG

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Just as you begin to find your way [Jan. 16th, 2011|05:27 pm]
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Who: Heimdall, Gondul
What: Don't I know you?
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Grocery store

I found you there with just bad words to say )
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[Jan. 5th, 2011|09:18 pm]

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Who: Heimdall ([info]mr_white), Loki ([info]no_name_face), Odin ([info]_wanderer_)
What: During Highway's fit and this
Where: Parking lot of Odin's therapist
When: Tuesday
Warnings: tba

Read more... )
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It's always have and never hold, you've begun to feel like home. [Oct. 5th, 2010|11:40 am]

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Who: Odin and the ravens, Heimdall, Sif, Thor
What: Awkwardly 'normal'? reunion.
Where: Odin's house.
When: Sunday night.
Warnings: No one parties like the vikings do.

Oh, be my baby - I'll look after you. )
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No need to know what you're doing or waiting for, but if anyone should ask [Sep. 25th, 2010|02:18 am]

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Who: Heimdall ([info]mr_white) & Odin ([info]_wanderer_)
What: Rabbits are better than kids. Rabbits are always better than kids.
Where: Odin's home, New Boston.
When: Saturday, past midnight
Warnings: tba

Tell them I've been licking coconut skins and we've been hanging out )
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It sucks to be me! It sucks to be me! [Sep. 5th, 2010|11:31 pm]

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[Current Mood |mellow]

Who: Heimdall ([info]mr_white) & Toby ([info]lucid_enigma)
What: If it was funny, clowns wouldn't be doing it.
Where: Midway Plaisance
When: Sunday
Warnings: None

Is there anybody here it doesn't suck to be? It sucks to be me! )
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You believe all is right, but life one day will take revenge [Aug. 21st, 2010|05:52 pm]

[Current Mood |grumpy]

Who: Heimdall ([info]mr_white)
What: Keeping a low profile
Where: Midway Plaisance
When: Saturday, late evening.
Warnings: None.

You had no right )
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How much deception can you take? [Jul. 18th, 2010|02:36 pm]

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Who: Heimdall ([info]mr_white) & Loki ([info]no_name_face)
What: What 'what'? You know what! No, not that what. The other what.
Where: NYC
When: Sunday
Warnings: IDK TBA

How many lies will you create? How much longer until you break? )
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And now my charms are all o'erthrown [Jan. 12th, 2010|05:31 pm]

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Who: Heimdall ([info]mr_white) & Thor ([info]wheresmyhammer)
What: Heimdall visits a retired professor who talks the nice young man into going to the carnival with him and the grandkids and Heimdall makes an interesting discovery.
Where: Midway Plaisance, currently in California.
When: Tuesday afternoon
Warnings: None

And what strength I have's mine own )
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[Apr. 14th, 2009|07:44 am]
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Who: Heimdall and Zarja
Where: Central Park - Bethesda Terrace
When: Tuesday afternoon
Rating/Warnings: tbd

Tuesday was generally one of Zarja’s least busy days of the week )
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[Apr. 10th, 2009|11:22 am]
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Who: Heimdall and Urd
When: Afternoon.
Where: An ice cream shop!
Warnings: Nothing, really.

ice cream time )
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