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Forgotten Gods RPG

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I've been here before - I've seen this room and I've walked this floor. [Nov. 21st, 2010|11:53 pm]

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Who: Toby Sloan ([info]lucid_enigma) [Narrative]; OPEN to Carnies.
What: If it isn't a silent cry for help, he's just trying to tell you something.
Where: Midway Plaisance.
When: November.
Warnings: N/A

It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah. )
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A little gambling is fun when you're with me. [Oct. 5th, 2010|08:38 pm]

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Who: Anastasya Pavlovich, Corvina Delaney, Dorian Feenix, Joseph Ormand, Toby Sloan, OPEN to other Carnies.
What: Poker Night.
Where: Midway Plaisance
When: Tuesday night.
Warnings: N/A

I wanna hold them like they do in Texas please - fold 'em, let 'em hit me raise it baby stay with me (I love it.) )
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It sucks to be me! It sucks to be me! [Sep. 5th, 2010|11:31 pm]

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[Current Mood |mellow]

Who: Heimdall ([info]mr_white) & Toby ([info]lucid_enigma)
What: If it was funny, clowns wouldn't be doing it.
Where: Midway Plaisance
When: Sunday
Warnings: None

Is there anybody here it doesn't suck to be? It sucks to be me! )
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And now you go away. [Aug. 11th, 2010|10:52 am]


Who: Toby Sloan ([info]lucid_enigma) [OPEN to carnivalfolk]
What: Leave the old man alone!
Where: Midway Plaisance
When: (backdated to) Sunday evening.
Warnings: N/A

Feel my heart, it’s turned to grey. )
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[Apr. 29th, 2010|07:18 pm]

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Who: Horror... kind of ([info]dark_soul), Archie ([info]theteninone) & Corvina ([info]blood_bred); all other carnies are welcome to join in.
What: The two worst parents in the world come home. Corvina reacts to Gambling's work on Horror. Someone's gonna have to pin her down.
When: Backdated to late Wednesday afternoon, 04/28.
Where: Midway Plaisance's campgrounds in Reno, Nevada.
Warnings: Carnies freaking the hell out.

'All in all, old man, I'd wager that's one of your finest performances to date.' )
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We'll do it all - everything, on our own. [Dec. 25th, 2009|12:20 am]


Who: Toby Sloan ([info]lucid_enigma), OPEN to other wandering Carnies if they wish.
What: Christmas morning wanderings.
Where: Not far from the carnival.
When: Early Christmas morning.
Warnings: None.

We don't need anything, or anyone. )
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[Nov. 29th, 2009|06:04 pm]

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[Current Mood |gloomy]

Who: The Carnies
What: A liquid Thanksgiving dinner.
When: Thanksgiving (Backdated)
Where: Carnival Grounds
Warnings/Notes: No posting order. Random crazies welcome. Warnings tba. XD

They needed this. They had earned this. )
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He deals the cards as a meditation and those he plays never suspect. [Aug. 4th, 2009|10:33 pm]

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Who: Dorian Feenix ([info]carny_feenix), Jack ([info]jacks_wild) and Toby Sloan ([info]lucid_enigma)
What: Friday night or eaaaarly Saturday morning poker!
Where: New York.
When: Backdated to Saturday ~1.30am.
Warnings: None.

I'm not a man of too many faces/The mask I wear is one/Those who speak know nothing/And find out to their cost )
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