October 14th, 2009

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

it's that time again!

Alright, guys! We have a bunch of new characters tonight, but we are also sadly losing one.

Firstly, the yay: the adds!

Britt is bringing in her second character, Xavier Avery!
Chele is bringing in her second character, Laelia Nott!
Claire is bringing in her second character, Evan Rosier!
Kat is bringing in her second character, Isidore Mulciber!
Khushi is bringing in her sixth character, Iona Cornfoot! (Welcome to the club!)
and Megs is bringing in her third character, Lily Potter!

And now, the sad. We are sadly losing Ronnie and her Sirius. Ronnie, we'll miss you.

So! Please go run the friending button, which has been updated!

[info]ungildedlily in [info]find_the_ooc

Introducing... LILY!


Megs here, with LILY! Yes! I'm so pumped to play her! Her bio's here but in summary, she's a generally charming, kind person with a soft spot for mischief (thanks, James & co.) and is currently dedicating her life to the Order. She has a part-time job in Floo Regulation so she can provide the Order with under-the-table and not-so-legal travel things. Need a fireplace connected to the floo? Unliscenced portkey? Someone to tap into a floo call and listen for suspicious conversation? She's your girl! She'd obviously be in trouble if it was discovered she was doing all this but she's got Dumbledore and a good few DMLE members to back her up, and she's gotten incredibly good at sneaking around over the years. She's also a great potioneer! If the Order needs someone to work on more complicated potions, get her the ingredients and she'll happily brew it. She's married to James, obvs, and loves him like whoa, and she'll be getting pregnant with y'know, that loser Harry, in a month or so but she won't discover it for awhile! Until then she considers herself always on-call for Order things, and to the rest of the world she's that 'gifted muggleborn witch' who's just starting to work her way up in the Ministry. She can be kind of self-righteous, nosy, and soap-boxy at times, not afraid to stand up for her beliefs but doesn't go so overboard that she'd become a DE target anymore than she may be already.

SO yes, PLOTS?? Friends/exes (she didn't start dating James till 7th year!)/enemies, etc? Hit me up on adamnhippie via AIM or adamnhippie@gmail.com for e-mail.

[info]laenott in [info]find_the_ooc

Hello everyone! This is Chele and I have brought you Laelia Nott!

Laelia is a former Slytherin from 1970-1977! She currently lives in West London with her mother, she's only daughter to Theodore Nott and Caecilia Nott and VERY MUCH younger sister to Patrice Nott. :D While she did very well in school, she doesn't have a job. However she does spend a lot of her time playing the piano and writing music. The girl is in need of more hobbies to occupy her time with so she's also been getting into making jewelry and scarves and selling them to friends and family. Of course she's supposed to be looking for a suitable husband but since she feels her opinion on the matter doesn't matter, she assumes that her mother and brother will end up having a final say so she doesn't see a point in looking that hard. Is it so wrong to want to marry for love?! Mostly she doesn't care now because her father has passed away and she's very much depressed on the inside. All of her information is up! Most definitely needs friends! She is in support of the Death Eaters so enemies are pretty much a given. Lol. I'm also looking for someone who might be interested in marrying Laelia at some point. She will need to be married off eventually. :D

Anyway! Hope you all enjoy her!


[info]pendulate in [info]find_the_ooc


Hey guys! Britt here introducing my second character, a FANTASTIC addition to the Death Eating team, Xavier Avery. Brought to you by bacon.

One of Voldy's old school chums, Xavier has been a devoted follower since the beginning. He's worked his way up the Ministry ranks over the years and has been heading up his department for several years now. He keeps a professional demeanour for colleagues and the world at large but his closer associates would probably think of him as a much more abrasive, emotionally unpredictable character. He's definitely has his manic Ups and Downs but he's got serious devotion to the Dark Lord that even that won't sway. Currently he's trying to deal with Florence and Gavin's deaths and the fallout from that.

That's about all my brain has to offer right now. He has a bio and it has details. Lots of em :) So WHAT UP Death eaters, Ministry, INNER CIRCLE, dinosaurs, blood purists! Yeah, that's the best stuff on earth there.

[info]sethlans in [info]find_the_ooc

G'day all! Kat here, bringing you my second character and Inner Circle Death Eater Isidore Mulciber. He went to school with Tom Riddle so he's old school Death Eater, been there right from the beginning. He's therefore dedicated and wants to see his Lord succeed. He is obviously a dedicated Purist.

So... Isidore will probably annoy the hell out of any modern woman. He has some very strict ideas about a woman's place and has no hesitation in saying when he disapproves. His wife and daughter toe the line appropriately (whether they do privately is entirely up to whoever ends up playing them) and as such he indulges them as often as he deems wise. His son is his pride and joy and while he sets high standards for him, he doesn't think they're unattainable.

While he doesn't need to work, his father thought it would be good for him to get some experience doing so. As such, Isidore runs a thriving import/export business which he also uses for the advantage of the Dark Lord and the Death Eaters. If anyone would like to work for him or have a future character work for him, contact me and we can sort it out. Though Isidore does expect good work and obedience from his employees, he's not a difficult man to work for.

Umm, I can't think of anything else at the moment. You can find out all about Isidore here and I'm always up for plot, either society or Death Eatery goodness.

[info]saviezvous in [info]find_the_ooc

Okay, doing this in a hurry since I have work to do... This is Khushi bringing in Iona Cornfoot, Douglas' older sister!

She's 35 years old, single, working as a Healer in the Artifacts Accident department. She had an engagement with Ralph Thomas (Malcolm's brother) a couple of years ago but that didn't fall through and it left Iona broken-hearted and slightly mistrusting of any other relationship. She loves to talk, loves knowledge.. like the most random tid bits of things. She'd be the sort of person to put up interesting Random Fact #X in her journal.

That's all I can think of to put here. Everything else is in her bio!

[info]ex_blackligh942 in [info]find_the_ooc

Pleased to meet you - hope you've guessed my name.

Lock up your daughters, y'all...it's Sirius Black. Just like every cop is a criminal and all the sinners saints, the man is a bundle of contradictions that can be alternately amusing and frustrating or charming and irritating. It's all a matter of perspective, really, or what side of the old manic-depressive cycle you caught him on that day. For the full deal on him, see here. For friendship, enemyship, and backstory of all other kinds, comment here.

This is gonna be fun.