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May. 25th, 2010



So this was supposed to be a hiatus post, but as the game ends on the day I come back, it's a good bye post. I'm leaving for Boston to visit Kaitlin (yay!) and I'll only be back on Monday night, May 31st. I've had a wonderful time in FTH and I'm really happy that I got to play with every one of you. I hope that we'll get the chance to play together again.



May. 18th, 2010


Hey guys. I'm leaving tomorrow to go visit my mom until the 30th. I'll probably be around-ish, but if you need me for anything its probably best to email me because I don't think I'll have AIM access apart from strwberrycake711 being mobile. Hope you guys in the states have a good memorial day weekend!

(Alex, Marcus, Joanna)

Apr. 22nd, 2010



I've mentioned it to a few of you, but the adjunct professors' strike is over and so we're in catch-up mode here. Which meant lots of training, and now lots of hours answering students questions, and also exceptionally working on weekends as well. I'm also the guest speaker at a conference on Thursday and I've not even begun updating my presentation, so I've got a lot of work ahead of me. I'm not sure how much time online this will leave me, so I'm taking a preemptive hiatus, just in case. I should still be around, but not as active as usual. Best way to reach me should be email.

(Sloane, Olivia, Paul, Quinn)


i've always wanted to use this icon

Helloooo, darlings!

These next few weeks are going to be rather busy for me as I will be taking what I feel is a well deserved vacation! April 30 - May 5 I am going to be hanging out with Kate in Virginia and surrounding areas, a few days after it I will be at my parent's, and the week preceeding that is going to be filled with all sorts of extra hours at work as I have to get all sorts of insanity up to date so I don't come back to work and want to cry. Seriously, I was out of work the past two days and I came back and nearly cried, I was so behind.

That being said! I'm going to be hiatusing April 25 - May 9. :) I should be around now and then during the evenings until I leave for VA, but from the 30th until the 9th I will probably not be around on the computer or checking the game religiously etc etc. I'll be able to check my email and, of course, I'll have my phone so feel free to email or text me if you have my number and I will get back to you ASAP.

And now you knoooow! :)

Jamie (Andromeda/Augustus/Effie/Frank/Gretchen/Lydia/Melanie) <-- that's a long list

Apr. 20th, 2010


because smartie here just fully comprehended that classes/finals will be over in two weeks and really everything is due by next thursday. i will be taking a hiatus from now until may 4th. and i will put up a post for rufus and joanna's wedding on sunday.

Mar. 22nd, 2010


hiatus note

I'm taking a little game hiatus, guys, just to sort some stuff out. Not sure how long it'll take but considering spring break is in the last week of March, spilling over into April, I will probably be back then.

*edit* Err.. hiatus starts after putting up the D&D log, of course. xD


Mar. 10th, 2010



All right guys! As I mentioned last week, I'm leaving at Obscene O'Clock tomorrow morning and will be gone until Friday evening.

I just got an iPhone tonight, so I supposedly will be able to get e-mail, but I don't know how much I'll be able to check it, since I'm supposed to be helping keep an eye on 40 hyper ten-year-olds. Text definitely works, so if I'm ABSOLUTELY needed, text is the best first step. Dawn, Kate, and Khushi all definitely have my cell number, and I think a few others do, too? But of course, Dawn and Kate and Wolfie are in charge while I'm wrangling ten-year-olds.

Next adds will hopefully be Saturday, after I've caught up on some rest.

Don't miss me too much! :*

Jan. 23rd, 2010


I hate to be saying this yet again but it's hiatus time for me again. Every time I try to get back in the swing of things it's RL there. Crazy. I have a panel interview to prepare for on Thursday and a stack of modules and reading to get through by next weekend so I'll be around but trying not to let myself get too distracted. But I want to do right by my two when I get back so if anyone wants to do anything with either Fil or Xav email me to set stuff up :)

Jan. 9th, 2010


Ooookay. I forgot to post this but as of today until next Friday/Saturday I'll be on a mostly hiatus. It's family vacation time so while I do have internet access (obviously) I will be busy with trying not to break limbs on the slopes and that whole social thing sooooo I will just be on sporadically. But if you need me, im down for stuff, email or watching aim for me to pop up works or bugging the amazing darcy to bug me works just as well :D

Dec. 20th, 2009



SO this is just to let ya'll know:

I am going to Spain on Monday to spend Christmas with my family, and while I will probably be able to check my e-mail and such, I don't think I will be available for scening/commenting/whatever. I will, at some point, post Christmas presents and such, but consider me mostly hiatused.

This is also a warning, for those of you who didn't catch my CDJ post on the subject, that I have to return to the US for knee surgery at the beginning of next month, so the next few weeks will be a bit hectic for me as I get all my "affairs in order" and such. So I will be around, I might just be a bit frantic.

I love you all, and if I don't catch you have a good Christmas and or Festivus and or whatever!

Dec. 12th, 2009


Hey everyone! Well I have hit that time of the year where finals are coming up. This semester it's a little more important because I have classes that I'm really trying to get good grades for so I need as much studying time I can get.

So! Starting pretty much now, I will be on hiatus until Thursday!

If something major happens in game while I am gone, please feel free to send me an email telling me so. I'm sure I can get on for a few minutes to something if it's real important.

Anyway! I hope you all have a fabulous week! I'll be back soon!


Dec. 1st, 2009



Oook, I'm going to have to go ahead and claim a hiatus for the next week-week and a half. I've got a bunch of stuff to get together for work and, as I would like them to pay me more I should probably devote my time to it instead of RPs :) My attention will be elsewhere but if you need me I'll still be around so just pounce me.

Nov. 21st, 2009


Hey guys!

I just wanted to give a heads up and let you all know that I'm going to be pretty sparse next week. I'm going home for Thanksgiving after work on Monday where my mom has the week planned out for me, then I work some awkward shifts after the holiday so I won't be back in full force until after work on Monday. I might be around here and there for comments, but I won't be on AIM so if you need to reach me at all it would be via email.

Just wanted to let everyone know!


Nov. 20th, 2009


So.... I'm posting this early because I'm bound to forget next week.

First. Starting on Thanksgiving and until December 9 I will be on a hiatus to study for my three finals.

Second. Pretty much up until the weekend before I go back to school in January (which happens to be birthday weekend for me), I won't be on AIM itself a lot because I will be at work. However, I will be on AIM mobile and I have no problem with any of you IMing when I'm mobile or when I'm at work.




Ya'll, I hate to do this on such short notice, but Real Life is imploding lately in a mass of social obligations and I might just have to kill a boyfriend. Consider this a hiatus until this upcoming Tuesday.


Nov. 11th, 2009



Okay guys, I'm sick with a really horrific cold. Yes, again. Yes, this does happen often. My immune system is like the ozone layer, or something. It keeps some things out but then invites everything else to come on in and party. Or maybe it's just a really bad bouncer.

Anyway. I'll be only semi-around until I'm feeling better. So mind the mini-mommiesmodlies and try not to blow the game up or anything. If I owe you tags, I'll get to them, I promise.

Oct. 31st, 2009



I'm going on hiatus for a week beginning November 2nd. My parents are in town and I've been elected Official Tour Guide of Walt Disney World apparently. I don't believe our hotel has internet; I'll have my phone to keep up a basic gist of what's going on but don't be surprised if my comments are either more typo-y than usual (helloooo it's really HARD to write on an iphone) or brief. If you really need me, hit me up at herkissofshame(@)gmail(dot)com.

I will return Sunday. :D

-Whit & her motley crew

Oct. 28th, 2009


Hullo lovely FTHers!!
This is just a note that I'll be going on hiatus from tomorrow (10/29) to at least next Wednesday (11/4... I think?), if not a few days longer. I'm flying down to Panama city for a Halloween bash this weekend and then will be staying with friends in Dothan, Alabama for the rest of the week. I'll continue knocking out the logs I've set up with people, and will try to keep up with things as best I can, but I probably won't be online much until Wednesday when my friends go back to work and leave me in their house for hours to entertain myself. So yes! Best way to get ahold of me over the weekend is prolly through e-mail, especially if we need to figure out details of the fallout from Saturday night's chaos.

Whit - Reg/Modesty, want to still attempt it before Saturday, or should we just assume we'll backdate it later?
Laura - Did you want to log the DATE or at least part of it? I'd love to see Ed's face and all, I'll be up for backdating it if we have to!
Claire - will work harder on our battle log! I failz during the last weeks of months cause of work + this travel. <3

Oct. 18th, 2009


Hmmm. Well, it seems I spoke too soon.

I'm actually going to have to upgrade my AIM hiatus to a real hiatus. My computer will not load Windows and I have no idea why. I'm currently on my family's desktop, but as I'm going to be moving in a couple days... I won't have a computer. I'm looking into options and weighing the pros and cons between buying a new computer and not eating for a week or waiting it out or taking the one I currently have in to be repaired and hope they can fix it.

So, needless to say, I'm going to be needing a hiatus of (at the very least) a week or so. I'm really sorry, guys. I feel bad about it, but there's really nothing I can do for now. :/


Oct. 12th, 2009


in-advance hiatus notice

Alright guys. I'm just letting y'all know in advance that Mommy is going to be gone from Thursday morning straight through until probably late Sunday evening / night. I'm flying out of Austin at the "OMG THAT EXISTS IN THE MORNING, TOO?!" time of 6:50 am, getting into Houston around 8, and then I'll be spending all day and the majority of the weekend at the International Quilt Festival. Supposedly, we have free internet access in the hotel, so I'll possibly be able to get online in the evening, but I definitely won't be up as late as normal because I'm sharing a hotel room with my parents, and they're usually out by 10:30.

Dawn, Kate, and Wolfie are in charge while I'm gone this weekend. Listen to them and be good little girls and don't tear the game apart while Mommy's away, please?

Also, this week, today and Wednesday will be limited-internet days for me, because I have a midterm in just three and a half hours, and then another one at the same time on Wednesday, so I've been devoting today (and will be devoting Wednesday) to studying. And due to having to leave the house at 5:30 to go to the airport Thursday morning, I won't be staying up late on Wednesday night, either.

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