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Apr. 23rd, 2010



THIS IS GILDEROY LOCKHART (Ravenclaw 76). He's pretty. You may recognize him as that guy who used to work at the coffee shop by the Ministry--the one who wrote his name in the foam! Or maybe you recognize him from his work for Kendall's fall collection! Or maybe you recognize him from his page long stream-of-consciousness journal entries! Or maybe you want to deny recognizing him but you totally do.

You recognize him, right?

Friends! Enemies? Anyone? :D

Mar. 22nd, 2010


"Bonjour ! Je m'appelle Joséphine Bones, la mariée de Jonathon Bones, née à Marseille le 11 janvier 1956. J'aime faire du ski, les pamplemousses, et bien sûr, j'aime la façon dont je suis jolie !"

Okay, that's enough for now. Because seriously, she will do that all day if you let her.

HELLO EVERYONE. Kaitlin here with my fifth (omg, I keep saying I'm done and I'M NEVER DONE) character, Joséphine, the wife of M. Jon Bones of Chelsea, London. Joséphine is pretty much what you'd expect of a Pureblood socialite, except when she's not. While she may be pampered, pretty, and cultured, she would like you to please fermez la bouche about blood purity, because mon dieu, how gauche..

She is three months pregnant with the Susan-bean, and currently trying to deal with the fall-out of giving her husband the go-ahead to join the Order, only to have him outed as a member oooooh, a week later. Though she's normally a fixture on the social scene, the Incident At The Ladies Luncheon and the outing of the Order have significantly cut back on her glittering and world-saving. Those who know her through social functions or through her husband and extended family either find her fascinating and charming or painfully snobby, depending on how they tend to view the French. Her full bio is here, though it's not pretty yet.

She needs friends, family members, society ladies and gents who love or hate her, etc. Also, she has a little sister named Margot who can be picked up for a song for anyone who is itching to play a slightly-rebellious though mostly-blank slate lady!


Mar. 18th, 2010


Migraine + Intro = Late intro is late. Again. But, uh, better late than never, right? :) Anyway, Jenny here, bringing Hector Gibbon back into the game!

So, have some stuff about Hector, which I'll shove under the cut because I'll possibly tl;dr and hurt the friends page:

Stuff goes here )

There’s more on Hec here. So yeah. Plot is much loved. Friends, enemies, pub buddies, I-murdered-your-best-friend-tee-hee types acquaintances, people who are super clever for avoiding him etc. :) Danke.

Mar. 15th, 2010


Look, my very first BLOND in this game

FTH, Aaron. Aaron, FTH.

This is Khushi and I have the oldest brother and second oldest sibling in the family of Turpin, daddy of Lisa Turpin (yup, we're taking over slowly). :D

Aaron is turning 30 soon, so was in class of '68, Ravenclaw alumnus. He was one of the Quidditch commentators back in school (I know we have more, but if the time frames overlap, SORRY.. I just got that from someone else's app). And part of the Junior Journalists club too, where he meet Elinor. :D After school, he became a professional Commentator on the WWN and somewhere along the way last year, he also became part of the super-duper-secret Tube.

He's a bit of a charmer, totally chill, easy-going, rarely gets angry.. rarely says no either. :| He's the type of guy that wears his daughter's creations proudly. I'm pretty sure Emma's made him bracelets out of paper. Hey, he'll wear those too. You'll definitely recognize his voice if you listen to Quidditch on WWN (I'm sure his name crops up too, obv). And for the Tube he's known as Rocketman, but you wouldn't know that's him.

Aaaaand the rest of his info in details is located here.

SO! CONNECTIONS. He's got a big family already, related to a bunch of people through his mother's side, so hit me with plottage-filled comments. :D



Rodolphus Lestrange!

It's Whit, with my (new!) seventh character. Rodolphus was in Slytherin 1962-1969, and is married to Bellatrix Lestrange. He's precisely what you might suspect he is, as a member of the Lestrange family - possessing of a great dislike for Muggles and their blood, a casual snob, big and large and RAAAWR.

That said, he tends to be the quieter, more well-behaved of the Lestrange brothers, acting as a fatherly influence when he can to Rabastan and Celeste. He dislikes society events, preferring the country quiet, and would rather be dead than at a ball. He has simple tastes for someone so wealthy, and he tends to think before he speaks, scholarly, thoughtful and exact. That's not to say that he's secretly a sweet guy or anything. Oh no, while it is hard to piss him off, once he is - watch out. He is ruthless and will do anything he can to get his way. Killing, torture... means to an end, really.

Contrary to what gossip might say, he and Bellatrix are not incompatible. While the lack of an heir irks him, he truly feels that she is a fine soldier for the Dark Lord, and once this war is over, her place will be making babies. But for now... fine. He'll let it slide. But don't bring it up, because that will not put you on Rodolphus's good side.

To his friends and loved ones, he's generous, caring, and compassionate. To those that cross him, or those who fall by the wayside politically, you are barely worth the energy it takes to kill you. Erm. On that note! Friends? Enemies? Backstory? Hit me! More info on him right here!

Mar. 6th, 2010


Hey. I had intended to do this yesterday, but I figured it’d make a bit more sense if I was less tired. Anyway, Jenny here, returning to FTH with Will Proudfoot in tow, following a few months of general insanity. x) For anyone who doesn’t know/remember me, hi! Briefly: I’m a faux-Londoner (whoop, awkward timezones), studying history-and-english-type-stuff alongside a bit of technical theatre, and universities are allergic to me. You can catch me on AIM, where I’m thatdarnferret or via email at Oh, and my sort of empty CDJ is [info]sketched.

On to Will, I guess. He’s a Halfblood, a former Hufflepuff of ’78 and is now a second year Auror Trainee. By day, he trains to fight crime and by night he makes bad jokes and fails at cooking. Generally, he’s a friendly guy unless you’re a blatant purist, you insult Star Wars, or you're aiming a wand at his intestines (again >.>) and will happily talk away to anyone he stumbles across. He's pretty laid back and likes to think he can mess around and have fun, but he may offer up a glare or ten if you sincerely suggest that this means he can't be serious in training. His greatest fears include everyone dying, a massive Death Eater takeover, cows, and the local pizza shop closing down. More stuff on Will is located here.

Okedoke. Is there something Will should know about concerning your character? It’d be brill if you could fill me in. Plot/backstory would be much loved, so please post or IM away. Thanks! :)

Mar. 5th, 2010



Hai guys! :D Brandi here with character #6. Again.

This is Rachel Dunstan. Her little baby Briony, who is just over a year old, is a future Hogwarts student in the year ahead of the trio and Briony is at one point going to check out Quidditch Through The Ages. It's absolutely fascinating. Though Rachel only knows the first bits, about how her little baby girl is going to be a Hogwarts student class of 1997.

But you don't care about Briony. You care about Rachel. You care very deeply about Rachel. You are dying to know what is going on in her life. Because this game is clearly All About Rachel. Or that is what she would like to think, anyway. (She'd also like it if you cared about Briony, since she is clearly the most wonderful and adorable fifteen-month-old in the entire world.)

Rachel was a Slytherin from 1969 - 1976. She is one of those somewhat rare halfblood Slytherins, as her father was a muggle. And not just any muggle, but a religious muggle who taught religion and who, upon learning that his wife and children were witches (and wizard), spent the rest of his life looking at them sideways and wondering why they're not green with warts and why his wife's cross isn't burning. But then he died a few years ago of a "heart attack" that his wife is ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED was actually the Death Eaters killing him for his muggleness.

ANYWAY. Rachel is a very silly girl in terms of, y'know, she's not horribly serious about anything and thinks that the war is just rather absurd and the worst part is that it is ruining any hope she might have of having a decent nightlife and also making people wary of going shopping. She thinks it's silly of the Minister to turn away offers of peace and also finds these werewolves and vampires to be rather beastly and she will have none of that, thankyouverymuch.

Oh, and she'd like to let you know that those shoes totally don't go with that outfit, and that skirt does in fact make your arse look huge.

AND SO. Her info is here. I'd love for her to have some friends, maybe some past flings (hiiiii Aleron, you arse!), etc etc.

(Oh yeah, and she's married and all that, but please, her husband is so dreadful. He's not at all like Prince Charming or anything.)

Feb. 24th, 2010


Introducing Tristan Rosier

Hi! It's Natasha with Tristan Rosier.

Tristan is a former Ravenclaw, class of '72, and has the distinction of being the only Rosier male who isn't a Death Eater (and no, he doesn't want to talk about it), although he does support the cause in other ways - mainly research and money and providing alibis. Yes, he's a purist. He doesn't much care for the Death Eaters' methods, but it's family, what can you do?

The rest )

He needs friends and relationships with his family and exes and potential Mrs Rosiers since his parents are definitely pushing him to get married already.

ETA: His bio is here


Call him Al. :D

Inspiration hits at the weirdest times and in the weirdest fashions!

Hi hi. Dawn here (again) bringing my seventh character (again). This is Aleron Belby, former Ravenclaw (C/O '75), former Quidditch Chaser, tennis player, and philandering laze-about. He's one of Damocle's Belby's younger brothers (not the one who will have Marcus! Egads, he says!) who constantly annoys him and descends unannounced. If you went to school with him, and you're female, he probably hit on you. If you run into him now, he'll probably hit on you. The ring is not a problem. He's BFF with Madog MacDougal (and he loathes it when you call him KID, Madog).

At any rate, past flings (and dear God, you poor girls will actually BE flings - and he likely won't remember your name), friends, or people amused by his antics?? :D

Feb. 22nd, 2010



Alie here with character #6!

Guys, meet Elinor! Elinor is at present a Turpin (sister-in-law to Melanie and Sam; she married their older brother Aaron, a professional quidditch commentator) and formerly a Prewett (baby sister and idolizer of Auror, Emily). You'll find a her extended family, history and etcetera here; she's connected to plenty of pure families, particularly those of the blood-traitoring variety, though she fits in well since her husband is halfblooded.

So Elinor--who friends frequently refer to as Copper--is 30 going on 31, mother of two little girls (Emma, 4yrs, & Lisa, 5mos), a Hufflepuff Alum (1968) and former Prefect, and a Local Interest Reporter for the Daily Prophet. She has only recently returned to work after giving birth to Lisa this past September; essentially her beat requires writing about the mundane/inane goings-on in the day-to-day wizarding world. She considers her work as a journalist attaining necessary credentials in order to do what she really wants (that is to say, being a biographer of magical folk) and refers to her job as just that, not a career.

Elinor is cheerful, upbeat and loves to have a good time; she's meticulous though unorganized (she makes lists obsessively, but then forgets where she puts them) and frequently shows up to work with jam in her hair with thanks to her kiddos. She's patient and a good listener, and enjoys making sense out chaos. Everything else personality/loyalty-wise you'll find in her profile.

She needs friends, exes, and relationships with her family and co-workers! I am reachable always by email ( and occasionally by aim (sundrymeldies). Hit me up!



Oh hi! This is Cassie with Mafalda Hopkirk. Here are some real quick facts before I head off to my clinical (surgery today for me!).

- Formerly Mafalda Jones, Prefect and Head Girl, Ravenclaw 1957-1964.

- Formerly in the Hitwizard programme, only completed a year and left because her father Walter (Hitwizard) died November of 1965.

- Now Head of the Improper Use of Magic office.

- Married to Lawrence Hopkirk and has three children, the oldest (Lucas) is a second year Hufflepuff.

- Little sister Hestia is currently a seventh year Ravenclaw.

More info here. Friends, enemies, ex's in school?

(Link fixed.)

Feb. 21st, 2010



Robyn here with Narcissa!

Obviously people know who she is. She considers herself the bell of the ball. She puts on a shallow front, but is secretly very ambitious and if she weren't meant to be a Wife, she would totally go into politics.

Let's see. She's selfish and self-centered and seemingly a bit flighty and dumb, but she's quite smart. She does spend a lot of time getting manis and pedis and shopping because she has more money than she has obligations. She is very loyal to her family, and the death of her father was suuuuper hard on her. It's just made her cling a little more to Lucius.

Her mother Druella is Chair of the Ladies League, I figure, and Narcissa thinks that she's likely to inherit the position once her mother steps down, but that's one of the only committes she's active in. She prefers to donate money rather than time.

Since everyone knows a fair bit about Narcissa's history already, here are a few things they might not know, or that are specific to my Narcissa:
  • She and Lucius married three years ago, and for just over the first year she secretly took birth control potions because she wasn't ready to be a mother yet and she considers herself a bit above the rules
  • There was a highly publicised accident a year ago (after she stopped taking the potions and they got pregnant, that is) while Lucius and Narcissa (four months preggers with a boy that they'd already announced) were at a Quidditch game and badly aimed bludger got her right in the stomach
  • She's quite confident and likes for people to think she's attractive so she can be a bit flirty
  • Her eyes are different colours! One is blue, one is hazel

I'm getting tired and will probably just get off topic if I continue, so I'm going to leave it at that for now.

Friends? Family relationships? I'd be especially interested in like, men she has inappropriate relations with. No, not THAT kind. Like, just men other than her husband with whom she can talk shop and doesn't just pretend to be a silly, brainless woman. Maybe girls with whom she's adventured a bit from the rules of society with. Nothing too drastic because she's a lady, but Narcissa is a bold one, and she's not afraid to test the waters a bit.


Feb. 22nd, 2010


We all pretty much know the drill. Christie here, and I've got a good guy ♥

Alastor Moody. )Anyway. Friends, (more likely) Enemies! Anyone want to claim responsibility for Moody's eye (June 1971). Expanded profile here

Feb. 8th, 2010


Hai there! This is Chele with Magrat McGonagall!

Mags is a Gryffindor 1968 - 1975 and she was also on the Quidditch team from 1969 to 1975. Those of you that would have known her during school would know that she was a pretty bitchin' Chaser. Won a Quidditch trophy in '71 thanks very much. A lot of people thought she would have gone to play professionally but nope! She decided against it! Now she works at the Ministry as Lydia Townsley's assistant and has been her loyal, very unorganized assistant for about a year! She's a ball of fun, says what's on her mind more often than she probably should. The girl is pretty obsessed with Astronomy and ocean life. So she's fully of useless information that I'm sure she'll share with everyone!

Um. That's about it I guess!

BEFRIEND HER. Thank you.


An introduction!


This is Emily (rockrates on AIM), player of Gawain/Miriam/Peadar/Cecil/&Michael, falling prey to complete and total madness and introducing my sixth character: ROYDEN POKE!

Mr. Poke (asides from sounding like the name for some sort of whimsical marital aid) is a former Gryffindor, class of '68, who works in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, Beings Division, specifically as goblin liason. In his spare time he also works with P.A.W.S., counseling new werewolves (of which there have been quite a number lately, egads). Royden's own aunt, a Hitwitch he was very close to, was killed by a werewolf when he was a boy.

His name is also notable because his father, one Monty Poke, published a bestseller in 1970 entitled "THE CRAFT: A Modern Wizard's Guide to Witches", which is basically a wildly sexist how-to on manipulating women into sleeping with you. He's also published more books on swinging, and in fact Royden's step-mum is a few years younger than Royden himself. Egads x2.

Royden however is nothing like his father, being a very genuine, outgoing, friendly sort of fellow who wears a lot of plaid shirts and only stocks bright red socks. He likes muggle gadgets and flannel. He isn't easily embarrassed and is rather uninhibited, though really dislikes his father's book. And the fans of said book. And being clapped on the back by fans of said book.

Also he has three cats and they are his darlings.

Loads more about him over here! Plot/Friends/Exes/&tc, all welcome!



Look I have the second pretty twin. *_*

This is Ulhas Nehru!

About him:
- he was in Gryffindor from 1964-1971
- he's an journalist for the Daily Prophet, for the International News section
- was a Quidditch commentatory in his Hogwarts years, from fourth and onward
- he's pretty much the opposite from his brother when it comes what he describes as fun... so drinking, eating greasy food? So him. He just has to get his brother to relaaaax a bit!
- because he's the younger twin, he's about an inch or a half shorter and not as built as Kamal is either (but still has something)

- he's slightly on the more spineless side. I'm pretty sure heights get him a little anxious so he doesn't go flying that much... he just stays to himself for the most part
- he's a floater when he comes to relationships. He likes being unattached but loves women too, that he's accidentally two-timed girls without actually meaning to. >>
- he writes lists a lot and signs his name on the posts with "Yours, ____"
- when it comes to articles, he writes FACTS ONLY.. just facts! No personal opinion or his own bias or whatever... or at least tries not to. So Rita? Yeah, he doesn't like your stuff.

Uhhh I think that's it but whatever I missed its going to be in his journal. :D Plotty stuff, guys?! Anyone want to be the girls he two-times? xDDD



Hellloooooo! Dawn here (doctorplusone). Bringing in Sam Turpin, Melanie's older brother. Here's a few bits and baubles about him:

  • Gryffindor, 1969 - 1976. Not a prefect, not a Quidditch player. He left that to Boyd and Ed - His BFFS!
  • Related to the Dawlishes and the Rabnotts. His sister is married to Tiberius Ogden.
  • Very friendly, like his sister, just not full of sunshine, daisies, and marshmallows.
  • Had a really eerie intuitiveness about him. Generally knows what his friends are thinking/feeling.
  • Feel free to call him a fag! He'll just punch the shit out of you for it.
  • ...which brings me to his TEMPER. Have fun with that! Seriously. He's kind of a jerk when pissed off.
  • You MIGHT recognise his voice (but only on occasion). He's a voice actor for The Story, mostly background players, but that's because he just left WADA last year. He absolutely loves doing this, but his real love is...
  • His art. It's mostly abstract, but he can manage realism if the mood strikes him. He almost always as a camera on him, and he doodles and sketches comics. (THE SOON TO BE AXE HIT (with DINO-AUROR).
So! Friends? Enemies? Exes? Future dates?

Feb. 7th, 2010


Hi guys! Christie here (again) with my third! Honoria Mulciber!

She's a flippin rad pureblood lady (we all know we don't have nearly enough of those). Hufflepuff 1947-1954, Chair of the WSPCA, Secretary of the Ladies' League, wife of Isidore Mulciber, mother of Anselm and Dulcinea, and self-taught amateur healer. She enjoys romance novels, puppies, and supreme and utter annihiliation of muggleborns croquet. She's Mellisande Devereaux's OMG NUMBER ONE FAN (shh)

Friends? Enemies? Silly little societal rivals? "The one who got away"? Other?

Jan. 25th, 2010


Realized I hadn't intro'd Will yet, oops! Got distracted by the lovely IC drama last night that kept me up way too late reading. Fun times.

Okay, so Robyn here (Jon Bones, Lucia Nott, and Griffin Dukelow player) with my fourth, William Davies.

He's 33, an ex Ravenclaw, Prefect, President/Head of Transfigurations Club, member of the Dueling Club, all around nerdy boy in school. Even though he's a beefcake, he's still kind of that awkwardly intelligent sort of person, a little naturally quiet. He's kind of bad at first impressions, since he has this mixture of brutal honesty and a little bit shy kind of working for him, at least outside of work. When he's on the job, he's very professional and does what he has to in order to get the job done, regardless of whether or not it's a tough job, etc. He's also terrible at delivering bad/good/hard news, but somehow I figure it tends to be him a lot because he's not afraid of it, exactly. It just is how it is. He gets hugged probably a whole lot more than he ever wants. He's a pretty calm, reserved sort of guy.

Also, he is single. He's had a few relationships, like Rita Skeeter and Iona Cornfoot (details for both yet to be really hashed out), but they're ended now. The only real woman in his life at the moment is his lovely sister Gretchen Davies. Also, he is the best uncle ever. He redid his flat when Roger was born to be totally baby welcome/friendly. When he's with Rog is probably when he loosens up the most.

Uh, uh. Yeah, he needs friends and more exes (because clearly he is a stone cold fox!). Aaaaand maybe even a current someone, I don't know. Plot?!

OMG HITWIZARD. I realized, at the first comment, I forgot to state his profession. OOPS. He's a Reconnaissance Specialist for the DMLE, Hitwizard branch. He has a common black hawk animagus form that he uses much for work, also. And he is badass.

...Also, he only has one icon right now. Don't judge me, I'll get more. Shemar Moore is delicious.

Okay, he has icons now! Though I guess I didn't have to cross out the last bit. Shemar Moore is still delicious. Mmm!

Jan. 24th, 2010


SO! in keeping with this afternoon's theme of character introductions, Christie here with my second, Margeurite Rita Skeeter.

Rita is a halfblood Slytherin alum (1962-1969) who works as a reporter for the features section of the Daily Prophet, she's turning 29 this year, and her hobbies include her job, gossip, garishly colored garments, and studying to become an animagus outside the eye of the law. She managed to do one of those for the first time in about November. Now that we're entering the 80s, I'm sure she'll manage the neon color palatte as well. :) She lives sort of a hard and fast existence and tends to stay largely in the present which gives her a bit of trouble in long relationships, or in seeing the consequences of her actions.

Rita's out there to expose a truth (not necessarily the truth), but she'd be disappointed if it didn't cause a stir and she's not afraid of a little embellishment. Her current interest is these vigilantes--they'd be a great story. Other than that, she's fairly ambivalent towards the Ministry, and smart enough after the Dobbs fiasco, to not mess with the Death Eaters for at least a week or two.

When she first started at the prophet 7 years ago, she spent her first year or so as a reporter for the Society section, which, I'm seeing as not having ended too well. If anyone wants to have been involved it the details of that, let me know :D. I'm thinking some article on something fairly benign that caused a big scandal and libel suit! So she was transferred to Features, and had to work her way back up.

Pretty much, she needs everything! Friends, enemies, contacts (Definitely contacts). Past/present flings (or gasp, relationships). Also, slightly unusually, if you want anything leaked for your character, think of Rita as your go to girl. :)

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