May. 2nd, 2010


check-in time!

Okay, guys! It's that time again! ... a day late, BUT STILL.

As always, the first thing is the May calendar, which went up Thursday night. Swing by, check it out, see what's coming up this month.

Also as always, the second part of this post is that whole checking-in thing!

To check in, you must have TWO valid pieces of activity to link to. These valid pieces of activity are anything posted between April 8, 2010, and May 7, 2010. A valid piece of activity is one of the following:
  • A journal entry (at least 5 sentences long)
  • A comment war (your character's part of the comment must add up to at least 5 sentences)
  • A log or narrative
  • An owl (the original owl and any return owls sent by your character must add up to at least 5 sentences)
  • (For the media types) A broadcast or article where your character's part is at least 5 sentences long.

You can mix and match those five types any way you want. Two entries, two logs, two comment wars, two broadcasts / articles, an entry and a comment war, a log and an article, a log and an entry, etc etc. As long as both are valid, it's all cool.

Once you're sure you have your two pieces of activity for all your characters, comment to this post with:

- Your name
- Your characters' names
- Links to their two pieces of valid activity (you can mix & match the four options however you want)
- What's going on in their lives right now.

- If you want to drop any characters, list their names separately, but still in the same comment.

You have until the evening (Texas-time, GMT-5) of MAY 7 to comment to this post.

Apr. 1st, 2010



Read more... )

Mar. 1st, 2010


check-in time!

Okay guys! February was a short month, which means that it's already March, which means it's time for another check-in!

As always, the first thing is the March calendar, which went up last night. Swing by, check it out, see what's coming up this month.

Also as always, the second part of this post is that whole checking-in thing!

To check in, you must have TWO valid pieces of activity to link to. These valid pieces of activity are anything posted between February 8, 2010, and March 7, 2010. A valid piece of activity is one of the following:
  • A journal entry (at least 5 sentences long)
  • A log or narrative
  • A comment war
  • (For the media types) A broadcast or article where your character's part is at least 5 sentences long.

You can mix and match those four types any way you want. Two entries, two logs, two comment wars, two broadcasts / articles, an entry and a comment war, a log and an article, a log and an entry, etc etc. As long as both are valid, it's all cool.

Once you're sure you have your two pieces of activity for all your characters, comment to this post with:

- Your name
- Your characters' names
- Links to their two pieces of valid activity (you can mix & match the four options however you want)
- What's going on in their lives right now.

- If you want to drop any characters, list their names separately, but still in the same comment.

You have until the evening (Texas-time, GMT-5) of MARCH 7 to comment to this post.

Feb. 1st, 2010


check-in time!

It's the first of the month! You know what that means! Check-in time!

As always, the first thing is the February calendar, which went up last night. Swing by, check it out, see what's coming up this month.

Also as always, the second part of this post is that whole checking-in thing!

To check in, you must have TWO valid pieces of activity to link to. These valid pieces of activity are anything posted between January 8, 2010, and February 7, 2010. A valid piece of activity is one of the following:
  • A journal entry (at least 5 sentences long)
  • A log or narrative
  • A comment war
  • (For the media types) A broadcast or article where your character's part is at least 5 sentences long.

You can mix and match those four types any way you want. Two entries, two logs, two comment wars, two broadcasts / articles, an entry and a comment war, a log and an article, a log and an entry, etc etc. As long as both are valid, it's all cool.

Once you're sure you have your two pieces of activity for all your characters, comment to this post with:

- Your name
- Your characters' names
- Links to their two pieces of valid activity (you can mix & match the four options however you want)
- What's going on in their lives right now.

- If you want to drop any characters, list their names separately, but still in the same comment.

You have until the evening (Texas-time, GMT-5) of FEBRUARY 7 to comment to this post.

Jan. 1st, 2010


check-in time!

And, now that we have remembered these past six months, it is time to look forward at our remaining six months!

The first order of business, as always, is the January calendar, which went up the other day. As you can see, we have a busy month ahead of us!

The second order of business is the business of checking-in! As you might recall, check-ins will run slightly differently from now on.

To check in, you must have TWO valid pieces of activity to link to. These valid pieces of activity are anything posted between December 8, 2009, and January 7, 2010. A valid piece of activity is one of the following:
  • A journal entry (at least 5 sentences long)
  • A log or narrative
  • A comment war
  • (For the media types) A broadcast or article where your character's part is at least 5 sentences long.

Once you're sure you have your two pieces of activity for all your characters, comment to this post with:

- Your name
- Your characters' names
- Links to their two pieces of valid activity (you can mix & match the four options however you want)
- What's going on in their lives right now.

- If you want to drop any characters, list their names separately, but still in the same comment.

You have until the evening (Texas-time, GMT-5) of JANUARY 7 to comment to this post.

Dec. 1st, 2009


check-in time!

That's right, my little lambs, it's that time again! The first of the month always brings check-in time!

First order of business: the December calendar went up last night. Check it out, it's going to be a busy month!

Second order of business: the business of checking in!

Make sure you have a valid post in your characters' journals. A valid post is: (1) dated NOVEMBER 17th or later and (2) at least 5 sentences long.

Everyone, even the newest characters, needs to check in, except those on an official hiatus that has been requested before this post went up.

Once you're sure all your characters have valid posts, comment to this post with:
- Your name
- Your characters' names
- Links to their most recent valid post
- What they want most for Christmas this year: tangible physical objects only. "World peace" won't cut it, beauty-queen-wannabe. "My significant other's head on a silver platter" is acceptable.
- If you want to drop any characters, list their names separately, but still in the same comment. They don't need a link or a Christmas note, unless you really want to write one anyway.

You have until the evening (Texas-time, GMT-5) of DECEMBER 7 to comment to this post.

Nov. 1st, 2009


check-in time!

Alright guys! First, I want to say that you are all absolutely positively AMAZING and I love you all. I haven't managed to get all the way through all the battle logs yet, but ... seriously guys. UH-MAY-ZING. And as you can see by the November calendar, things will be picking up over the next month. And you guys can relax, there's not going to be another big-ass battle for quite a while.

Now, onto the order of business for the day. It is check-in time!

So! First, make sure that your characters all have a reasonable-length post (at least five sentences) that is dated OCTOBER 18th or later.

Second, comment to this post with:
- Your name
- Your characters' names
- Links to their most recent valid post
- How they're feeling about the events of last night, whether they were at the ball or not.
- If you want to drop any characters, list their names separately, but still in the same comment. They don't need a link or a blurb, unless you really want to write one.

Everyone should know by now that, yes, I actually do check this.

You have until NOVEMBER 7 to comment to this post.

Oct. 1st, 2009


check-in time!

Alright, guys! It's the first of the month, so you know what time it is! That's right! It's tool time!

... wait. Check-in time. That's what time it is.

So! First, make sure that you have posted for all of your characters since SEPTEMBER 17th with a decent-length post (at least a reasonable paragraph).

Then, AFTER all of your characters have been posted for (if they need to be posted for), comment to this post with all their names, AND a couple sentences about what's going on in their lives right now. (Example: Marlene McKinnon is still dealing with the aftermath of the King's Cross attack. She is throwing herself into her Auror training and, in her free time, working to build up her defensive magic skills. She continues to be suspicious of Barty Jr.)

Also, the October calendar is up here!

Sep. 1st, 2009


check-in time!

Okay, you guys! It's a new month, and what a way to start it off, right? If you haven't already, swing by the 5-part King's Cross Battle Log (link takes you to page 1).

Amazing Battle Log aside (seriously, guys, I love you all for all the hard work you put into your battles!), it is also time to check-in! I know, I know, I can hear your groans from here. But this is just to make sure that everyone's still peachy keen and stuff. This month, it'll go a little bit differently than last month.

COMMENT TO THIS POST with your name and the names of all the characters you have and want to keep. You must have an entry of reasonable length in each character's journal dated at some point after August 18. I will be checking, and your check-in will be invalid for any characters who do not have an entry in that time frame. The only exception is the only one who is officially on hiatus. If you have not commented by September 7, you and your characters will be removed from the game.

ADDITIONALLY, along with your characters' names, please include a couple sentences about what's going on in their life (for each character). Those who participated in the King's Cross Battle: this part is optional (we kinda know what's going on in their life in the immediate sense).

As a reminder, the September calendar is up here. If you have any plot ideas that you would like to see on a future calendar, either e-mail them to me or comment here.

Finally, thank you again to everyone who participated in the battle logs and who clearly put some good hard work and effort into them. I can't bring myself to read through the whole thing in one sitting.

Aug. 1st, 2009


August Check-In Time!

Alright, guys! The game is officially a month old now! Are you excited? I know I am.

And now it's time for our first monthly check-in post! Are you still here? Are your characters still here? Great! Comment to this post with your name and your characters' names, just to let me know that you're still here and that you want to still be here. Anyone who hasn't commented by August 7 will be removed, and you have to have posted at least once for each of your characters within the past two weeks before commenting.

And just a reminder, the August calendar is up here, and if you have any plot ideas that you'd like to run by me or anything you'd like to see on the calendar in the future, please comment here with them. Also, if you haven't already, run by the cannon-fodder post to offer up family members (and they don't necessarily have to be muggles / muggleborns) to be war casualties, and the character death post if you'd like to offer up your character to die a plot-filled death in the game.