May 2010




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May. 5th, 2010


Who: Will and Iona
Where: Iona's bedroom
When: A morning of a shared day off, let's say... Sunday the 2nd, May, 1980
What: Just a cute morning scene of them waking up together. Nothing omg plotty, but more d'awww couple.
Rating: PG? F FOR FLUFF.
Status: Done!

Groceries! You sassy thing. )

Apr. 27th, 2010


Who: Will Davies and Rita Skeeter
Where: Alleyway in Diagon then St Mungo's
What: Will goes to find Rita, takes her in, and then talks to her about it all the next morning.
When: April 26, 1980, from shortly after midnight until shortly after noon
Rating: Awesome. AKA: PG13 for a bit of blood, but otherwise pretty tame?
Status: Done!

He ignored the words he saw there about a selfless hero and a rekindled flame... )

Apr. 1st, 2010


Invitation Owls

Invitation Owls )

[OOC: Let me know if I'm forgetting anyone that should have gotten an invite]

Mar. 9th, 2010


Who: Will Davies and Iona Cornfoot
Where: Iona's flat, primarily the kitchen.
When: Saturday March 6th, 1980.
What: They get together for some hang outs and there is a kiss, d'aww!
Rating: PG? Tame and cute, that's all.
Status: Complete!

You should know that I loved you. )

Feb. 14th, 2010


Who: Will and Iona
Where: Diagon Alley
When: Sunday, February 14th, 1980, aka VALENTINE'S DAY
What: Random run-in between two friends exes single people on the day of love is wonderfully awkward.
Rating: PG
Status: Completed

Before he could say anything more, the display they'd paused in front of took that moment to cry out, 'Kiss the girl!' )

Feb. 8th, 2010


Owl to William Davies

Owl to William Davies )