May 2010




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Apr. 27th, 2010


Owl to pretty much everyone ever )

Apr. 26th, 2010


rp log: cyril & imogen warrington!

Who: Cyril & Imogen Warrington
When: 25 April, afternoon
Where: St. Mungo's
What: Cyril has a big confession to make. Finally. ... Nevermind he can only find the courage to say anything in the face of near death and a fear of being like his father.
Rating: G.

Oh, my big, strong husband. Just rest, darling. Just rest. I shall take care of everything. How about a fairy cake? I shall purchase a fairy cake. Oh, I was so, so worried about you. Oh, your face. What have they done to your neck? )

Apr. 5th, 2010


rp log: cyril & imogen!

Who: Cyril & Imogen Warrington
When: Tonight, 5 April!
Where: Their home in London
What: Drinking and talking and freaking Cyril out a little.
Rating: UH. PG?

It was the expression she used when Conrad let his half-chewed peas slowly emerge out of his mouth. So even if she was regarding her husband like he was some toddler, there was some degree of affection. Just one reserved for dumb animals. )

Feb. 7th, 2010


Owl from Mr & Mrs Carlisle Vance.

Backdated: these were sent out 16 January 1980.

Wedding Invitation Owls. )

Jan. 26th, 2010


Owl sent on Sunday afternoon, January 24th, to all members of society, names listed behind the cut. )

Jan. 10th, 2010


Owl from Dulcinea Mulciber

Owl to Olivia Wilkes, Chloe Wilkes, Celeste Lestrange, Emmeline Vance, Dulcinea Mulciber, Laelia Nott, Dahlia Rookwood, and Imogen Warrington )

Jan. 3rd, 2010


rp log: cyril & imogen warrington

Who: Cyril & Imogen Warrington
When: the evening of 3 January 1980
Where: Their home in London
What: Talking about having A SIBLING FOR CONRAD. Oh snap.
Rating: Low, except for the drinking.

'It was awfully kind of the two of you,' she continued, holding out a small piece of meat for the cat to eat off her hand, 'although it is a lot of toys for one child.' )