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November 4th, 2009

[info]reporter_guy in [info]find_horcruxes

Daily Prophet: 4 November, 1979

Daily Prophet Morning Edition: New Legislation Proposed )

[info]madangus in [info]find_horcruxes

RP Log: Angus and Lydia

Characters: Angus MacDougal and Lydia Townsley
Setting: Caer Dubh, late on Halloween Night (BACKDATED)
Summary: After seeing to the family, Angus takes a break to sit with Lydia a bit.
Warnings: Just mentions of the Halloween violence.

It might have been dramatic and it might have been overboard, but Lydia didn't care. )

[info]onthetown in [info]find_horcruxes

Owl to Lacey Podmore

Owl to Lacey Podmore )

[info]nopanacea in [info]find_horcruxes

RP Log: Olivia and Chloe Wilkes (Backdated)

Who: Olivia and Chloe Wilkes
What: A confrontation in the aftermath of the Masquerade battle.
When: Backdated to 31 October 1979 at approximately 10 pm.
Where: The Starlight Ballroom, followed by the Wilkes townhouse in Kensington, London.
Why: Because they've been through a lot.
Rating: G/PG - brief mentions of the aftermath of violence.
Status: Complete

Why was it so difficult to relate to each other? Where had they gone wrong? )

[info]withacause in [info]find_horcruxes

RP Log: Benjy Fenwick, Greta Catchlove

Who: Greta Catchlove, Benjy Fenwick
When: Late Saturday evening, after this conversation
Where: Banges/Catchlove/Watkins cottage in Hogsmeade
What: Greta really wants to see Benjy after the Ball.
Rating: PG</font>

There was so little family he had left that Benjy took the blow poorly, and now there were more than a few items in his flat now that were beyond magical repair. )

[info]lykanthropos in [info]find_horcruxes

Owl to John & Madeline Lupin

Owl to John and Madeline Lupin )

[info]notsalt in [info]find_horcruxes

04 November 1979

Who: Pepper & Remus
What: Pepper is re-stocking his brochures; a chance encounter ensues!
When: Wednesday, early evening
Where: Brookstanton Memorial Library
Rating: PG at most.
Status: Completed log!

And who knows? Maybe there's a werewolf out there seeing these fliers, and feeling there's some hope. )

[info]potion_master in [info]find_horcruxes

RP Log: Severus Snape & Aberforth Dumbledore.

Who: Severus Snape & Aberforth Dumbledore, (NPC!Eileen Snape)
When: 2 November, after this conversation (Slightly Backdated)
Where: Spinner's End → Hog's Head, Hogsmeade
What: Severus attempts losing his sorrows in firewhiskey; Abe does what a bar tender does best.
Rating: Low.

Severus Snape was not having the best of nights. )