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November 3rd, 2009

[info]notsalt in [info]find_horcruxes

01 November 1979

Who: Effie & Pepper
What: Effie comes to find Pepper after the aftermath of the masquerade.
When: Late Sunday afternoon
Where: Pepper's flat
Rating: PG-13
Status: Completed log!

Because, yeah, some people might think that it's too soon, but they're not us and they don't know how we feel so they can't say much of anything. )

[info]singlemum in [info]find_horcruxes

Wireless Narrative: The Tube

Character: Ruby Tuesday
Setting: Around 10pm; 1 November, 1979 (backdated)
Summary: Everyone's favorite illegal wireless station has a moment of remembrance.
Rating: G
Music: "Today" by Jefferson Airplane, "Blowin' In The Wind" by Bob Dylan

And how many deaths will it take till he knows that too many people have died? )

[info]reporter_guy in [info]find_horcruxes

Daily Prophet: 3 November, 1979

Daily Prophet Morning Edition: Werewolf Attack on Diagon Alley )

[info]deshaned in [info]find_horcruxes

Delivery to Amala Patil

Delivered to their home, strategically located where she could see her name on the tag when she gets home )

[info]onthetown in [info]find_horcruxes

Left on Charity Burbage's desk

Left on Charity Burbage's desk )

[info]goodoldbones in [info]find_horcruxes

03 November 1979

Owl to Frank Longbottom )

[info]dear_alice in [info]find_horcruxes

left for Frank Longbottom on the kitchen counter

Left for Frank Longbottom on the kitchen counter when he gets home from work. )

[info]shebanges in [info]find_horcruxes

Owl to the families of John Dawlish & Minister Hieronymus Rump

[info]foolofamum in [info]find_horcruxes

Owl to Frank Longbottom

Owl to Frank Longbottom )

[info]goodoldbones in [info]find_horcruxes

27 October 1979

Who: Ed & Jon
What: Their age old argument about Ed's workaholism.
When: Last Tuesday!
Where: Ed & Cally's house
Rating: PG-ish? Pretty low key!
Status: Completed log!

You think you're being selfless, but you aren't. Your family needs you too. You can't give it all away. )