Apr. 7th, 2008


Porn Battle Ficlets

The following links were all for the [info]porn_battle challenge. So, yes, assume all are NC-17 rating, and involve those people in said links.

That means so not work safe.

Final Fantasy VII, Angeal/Zack/Cloud, practicing with mirrors makes you build confidence

Final Fantasy VII, Any Characters/Pairings, Zombie Apocalypse

Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud/Aeris, Do you ever wonder whose face makes the moonlight? / Do you ever look up and find your face there? / Is it any wonder we find ourselves laughing / with your tongue at my lips and my hands in your hair?

Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth/Cloud, dehumanization

Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth/Zack, "You must think me quite heartless."

Final Fantasy VII, Zack/Everyone else, dogs like having a variety of toys

Final Fantasy VII, Angeal/Zack, collar

Final Fantasy VII, Angeal/Zack, guide on caring for a new puppy

Final Fantasy VII, Angeal/Zack, disorientation

Look, everyone, wing porn. *points above*

Final Fantasy VII, chaos!Vincent/Cloud, alpha

Final Fantasy VII, Vincent/Cloud, scars

Final Fantasy VII, Angeal/Zack/Cloud, the pet taking a pet

Apr. 4th, 2008


Wake Up Call (Vincent/Cloud)

Title: Wake Up Call
Author: Freezing_Rayne
Rating: R
Warnings: Handjob, questionable consent
Word Count:
Summary: Cloud finds something odd while exploring the basement of the Shinra Mansion.
Prompt: Vincent/Cloud, Coffin Sex
Takes place during Crisis Core, but doesn't really contain spoilers, as long as you know how they find Vincent in FF7.

Wake Up Call )

Jan. 10th, 2008


First Fic

Been lurking for a bit, now I finally have something worth posting (in my opinion anyway). So, um, hi, here it is!

Title: Ratsbane
Author: [info]solitaryjane
Characters: Yuffie, Barret, Cid, Nanaki, and hints of Vincent/Cloud
Rating: R
Warnings: Quite a bit of swearing, and sexual innuendos
Word Count: 956
Notes: Takes place after Rocket Town but before Gold Saucer, in the small window where you actually have everybody alive and well in your party.

Yuffie's way of taking care of a vermin problem...

Sep. 18th, 2007


Fic "Things They Carried"

Title: Things They Carried
Author: [info]thescarecrow
Pairing: A hint of Vincent/Cloud
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Square-Enix owns everything, I own nothing except the words on the page. And I thank [info]snipervalentine for the beta.

Takes place right after the game ends. )

May 2015




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