Jul. 27th, 2008


A few words from your friendly mod

I am Romy, your friendly mod for [info]ffvii_yaoi. If you are new to the asylum, welcome! If you are a seasoned member, I hope you are enjoying your stay with us.

The reason I am poking my nose in here is because I am a huge supporter of fandom. It is my belief that fandom brings people with a like interest together in a common forum so that they can commiserate in the same playground.

Just recently, I happened across a community on LJ where someone made a post pimping their Zack/Reno community. Unfortunately, someone else had to come in and rain all over the post with the fact that the pairing would never work and didn't make sense. They even went so far as to say that it was pairings like that one that cheapened the FFVII Yaoi community and gave it a bad name. Due to one snarky individual, the post was deleted the post from the community entirely.

Sadly, it is that type of attitude that tears fandom apart, hurts feelings and discourages new fans from adding their voices to the pool of talented artists and writers, AMV and icon makers.

The FFVII community playground is very large and there is room for everyone. It doesn't matter which pairing you ship, whether it is unusual or fairly common, it is welcome here.

If any of you receive a comment to a post here that you feel is blatantly rude, disrespectful or in any way belittles you for your interests or the pairings you ship, please do not respond to the person that made these comments. (Most of the time, they just thrive on the attention anyway.) Instead, contact me right away and I will look into the matter.

This community is here to bring fandom to a common playground, no matter which part of the grounds you play ball on, and I will not have that kind of snark here.

If you feel that you need to belittle or criticize someone for their interests, please go find a fandom wank or anti-yaoi community to play in. If you can't resist and decide to leave that nasty comment anyway, the process will be as follows:

1. You will be warned.
2. You will face the ban-hammer.

This is my fandom and I love to play here. So bring your Sephiroth/Cids, your Zack/Renos, your Tseng/Clouds and we will welcome you every time!

Feel free to pimp your shipper asylums and communities (whether on IJ or LJ) or your fan clubs here! Bring your art, your writing, your AMVs and icons! Play happily in your section of the fandom playground - it is big enough for all of us - knowing that your mod is here with a ban-hammer, ready to squash the fandom bullies.


May 2015




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