Aug. 30th, 2008


Final Fantasy VII: Dark City Lights (Tseng/Reno)

Dark City Lights

Fandom: Final Fantasy VII (OGC)
Characters: Tseng/Reno, hinted Tseng/Rufus
Rating: R
Summary: Sometimes you just want the world to burn as much as you burn inside; sometimes you want all hell to break loose so that you don't feel too alone, or too frenetic.

1111 words.

And he's too close to home to feel jaded. )

Jul. 7th, 2008


FFVII: Different Country For Different Men (Vincent/Veld)

Title: Different Country For Different Men
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Vincent/Veld
Summary: Vincent and Veld take a moment in the middle of Midgar rising.
Warnings: Past!fic, worldbuilding.

1384 words.

Different country for different men, back then. )

Jul. 6th, 2008


FFVII: Growing Pains (Veld/Tseng)

Title: Growing Pains
Rating: Soft R
Characters: Veld/Tseng. Mentions of Lazard.
Warnings: A bit of manhandling. All in a day's work for a Turk, really.
Summary: Growing into his responsibility as a Turk was not automatic for Tseng; some things you have to be trained how to do.

5507 words and a whole lot of Tseng!backstory, oh god.

Oh?' Veld said, looking up. 'You'll say many things about me when I'm gone, Tseng, but be sure of one thing. You will not say that I brought you up to be a good man.' )

Jun. 30th, 2008


Restorations I (Tseng, Rufus, Reeve, Wutai, Midgar)

Title: Restorations I
Rating: PG
Characters: Tseng, Rufus, Reeve, Wutai, Midgar, everyone.
Summary: And Shinra said, we are going to save the world, and then said, but let us start with restorations.
Warnings: First part of a multiparter - one or two more chapters planned. Canon AU. "What happens after Midgar." Gen, with slash when you squint. You may have to squint less in other chapters.

2410 words, and Rufus would like you to know that he is perfectly harmless, thank you.

They sent him into Wutai because it was the predictable thing to do, and these days it paid to do things predictably. )

[and random political ignorable thing:] Go forth, ye kind hearted people, I know you want to.

Apr. 2nd, 2008


Fic: The Necessary (Tseng)

Title: The Necessary
Characters: Tseng
Rating: (Very soft) R
Summary: Working for Shinra during the War in Wutai and Tseng does what he wants: chooses his allegiances, who he sleeps with, what he does. Then Tseng does what he must: breaks bones, ethics and people.
Warnings: Runs along the same parallel as Country Boy; mentions sex briefly; Tseng's history is all invention, invention, invention!

1929 words. God Tseng, why do you always have to jump on me like this.

The trouble with war: it was easy to start one, and hell to end it. )

May 2015




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