Jul. 12th, 2008


Baby It's Cold Outside

Title: Baby It's Cold Outside
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Author: [info]chichirinoda
Pairing: Tseng/Reno
Warnings: Smut ^_^
Summary & Notes: An ill-fated trip north of Icicle gives Reno and Tseng some cold time alone. Written for [info]areyougame, for the prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Tseng/Reno: Blanket-fic - Baby it's cold outside

( Tseng crawled out of the burning wreckage of the helicopter, coughing on the acrid black smoke that billowed outwards, and then choking as a bitterly-cold wind seemed to freeze his lungs )

Crossposted to [info]areyougame, [info]ffvii_yaoi and [info]ffvii_fandom

Jun. 16th, 2008


Dirty the Sheets

Title: Dirty the Sheets
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Author: [info]chichirinoda
Pairing: Sephiroth/Genesis
Warnings: More smut! It's not very dub-con, despite the prompt. (okay, maybe a bit dub-con)
Summary & Notes: Genesis shows up at Sephiroth's door in the middle of the night, all fucked up. Written for [info]porn_battle, for the prompt: Final Fantasy VII: Sephiroth/Any, drugged/dub-con, It was so easy when he was like this

( Sephiroth woke up the moment the door opened, caught a glimpse of the intruder silhouetted before the light coming in from the hall, and watched his stumbling, weaving progress through the room towards the bed. )

Crossposted to [info]porn_battle, [info]ffvii_fandom and [info]ffvii_yaoi

Jun. 15th, 2008


Only Human

Title: Only Human
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Author: [info]chichirinoda
Pairing: Sephiroth/Tseng
Warnings: Unashamed smut ^^;
Summary & Notes: Tseng is working late, and gets a visit from Sephiroth determined to get some answers out of the Turk. Written for [info]porn_battle prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth/Tseng, "He was only human."

( Not all of the Turks were as obsessive and - dare it be said - anal retentive as he was, but Tseng considered that a bonus. )

Oct. 31st, 2007


Strange Bedfellows - Part 9 of 9 (and Epilogue)

Title: Strange Bedfellows
Fandom: FFVII
Author: [info]chichirinoda
Pairing: Zack/Vincent
Warnings: Violence and hardcore yaoi smexing
Summary: What if Zack took a wrong turn when he escaped from Nibelheim? What if things just went a little bit differently? What other lives would he have touched, and how would things have changed for himself and Cloud?
Notes: Thanks to all of my readers for sticking it out until the end. I hope you all enjoy it!

( Just a stray cat on the balcony. I'd invite him in, but I ain't sure where the rest of his litter is, yo. )

Link directly here for Chapter 1.

Crossposted to FFVII_yaoi on Livejournal and [info]ffvii_fandom here ^_^

Oct. 25th, 2007


Strange Bedfellows - Part 8 of 9

Title: Strange Bedfellows
Fandom: FFVII
Author: [info]chichirinoda
Pairing: Zack/Vincent
Warnings: Violence and hardcore yaoi smexing
Summary: What if Zack took a wrong turn when he escaped from Nibelheim? What if things just went a little bit differently? What other lives would he have touched, and how would things have changed for himself and Cloud?
Notes: It's done~

( At that moment, Vincent's cellphone rang. )

Link directly here for Chapter 1.

Crossposted to FFVII_yaoi on Livejournal and [info]ffvii_fandom here ^_^

Oct. 8th, 2007


Strange Bedfellows - Part 7 of 9

Title: Strange Bedfellows
Fandom: FFVII
Author: [info]chichirinoda
Pairing: Zack/Vincent
Warnings: Violence and hardcore yaoi smexing
Summary: What if Zack took a wrong turn when he escaped from Nibelheim? What if things just went a little bit differently? What other lives would he have touched, and how would things have changed for himself and Cloud?
Notes: It's done~

( He laid Cloud gently down in the middle of the patch of white flowers growing wild in a spot where the floorboards had rotted away completely to uncover rich, dark earth. )

Link directly here for Chapter 1.

Crossposted to FFVII_yaoi on Livejournal and [info]ffvii_fandom here ^_^

Sep. 24th, 2007


Strange Bedfellows - Part 6 of 9

Title: Strange Bedfellows
Fandom: FFVII
Author: [info]chichirinoda
Pairing: Zack/Vincent
Warnings: Violence and hardcore yaoi smexing
Summary: What if Zack took a wrong turn when he escaped from Nibelheim? What if things just went a little bit differently? What other lives would he have touched, and how would things have changed for himself and Cloud?
Notes: OMG, a chapter total! Yes, I'm almost done writing the fic, and then it won't be long before you'll get to read the ending.

( He didn't expect anything in the way of sympathy from Rufus, and he figured that with the role models the man had likely had growing up, the best Vincent could expect would be pity. )

Link directly here for Chapter 1.

Crossposted to FFVII_yaoi on Livejournal and [info]ffvii_fandom here ^_^

Sep. 3rd, 2007


Strange Bedfellows - Part 5 of ?

Title: Strange Bedfellows
Fandom: FFVII
Author: [info]chichirinoda
Pairing: Zack/Vincent
Warnings: The story will involve some violence, and ultimately some hardcore yaoi smexing. THERE BE NON-WORKSAFE STUFF HERE.
Summary: What if Zack took a wrong turn when he escaped from Nibelheim? What if things just went a little bit differently? What other lives would he have touched, and how would things have changed for himself and Cloud?

( We've practically delivered ourselves back to Hojo. All we need are the shiny red bows, and that Tseng guy is probably arranging those right now. Do you realize where we are? )

Link directly here for Chapter 1.

Crossposted to FFVII_yaoi on Livejournal and [info]ffvii_fandom here ^_^

Aug. 7th, 2007


Strange Bedfellows - Part 4 of ?

Title: Strange Bedfellows
Fandom: FFVII
Author: [info]chichiri_no_da
Pairing: Eventually to be Zack/Vincent
Warnings: The story will involve some violence, and ultimately some hardcore yaoi smexing. There's nothing especially graphic in this chapter.
Summary: What if Zack took a wrong turn when he escaped from Nibelheim? What if things just went a little bit differently? What other lives would he have touched, and how would things have changed for himself and Cloud?

( We need to have a discussion about our ultimate destination )

Link directly here for Chapter 1.

Crossposted to FFVII_yaoi on Livejournal and [info]ffvii_fandom

May 2015




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