Jul. 16th, 2008


It Runs In the Family (Zack/Cloud)

Title: It Runs In the Family
Author: [info]cleflink
Rating: G *sigh*
Word count: 1250
Prompt: Zack/Cloud - AU - "You're the General's little brother?"

Summary: Actually, I think the prompt pretty well covers it.

( All things considered, Zack was just surprised he hadn't found out sooner )

Jun. 7th, 2008


Fic - Unshakeable [Zack, Cloud]

Written for [info]no_true_pair's Twelve Characters round.

Title: Unshakeable
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Zack, Cloud
Rating: G
Word count: 1310
Warnings: not really (prelude to canon angst?)
Prompt: Zack/Cloud, first time
A/N: So I told these two quite firmly that they weren't getting anything for this comm since they got so much writing from me the rest of the time. So they tackle-ambushed me with this. *sigh* And it's probably not the first time you're expecting, just as a head's up.

( The first time it happened, Zack figured he had to be dreaming.)

Jan. 24th, 2008


In the Country - Zack/Cloud

Title: In the Country
Author: [info]cleflink
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Erm, fluffy nookie?
Word Count: 1283

Summary: Sometimes Zack just likes to get away from it all.

(Really, you couldn't go wrong with a road trip)

Nov. 1st, 2007


Wild Ones (Zack/Cloud AU Fic)

*waves* Hi! New to this comm with an offering of a fantasy AU written for [info]yaoi_challenge's Halloween challenge. (Sincere apologies to anyone on the mirror site on lj who's getting spammed with this more than once).

Wild Ones - FFVII AU [High Fantasy]
Author: [info]cleflink
Rating: PG
Warnings: A little bit of glossed 'cuddling'. Pretty well worksafe.
Word count: 6580
A/N: I want to write more of this. That's probably a bad thing.

Summary: Irrevocably tied and holding nothing back, two men search the world forwhat's been lost. This is but a small part of their story.

( Word spread quickly through the village of the two men who'd entered after dark )

X-posted to [info]yaoi_challenge and my own journal

May 2015




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