Jul. 27th, 2008


[fic] The Weight of Morality

Title: The Weight of Morality
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7 (Crisis Core)
Rating: not worksafe
Word count: 726
Summary: The boy has no idea, and Angeal intends to keep it that way. Because you see, Angeal's got these pesky little things called morals.
Prompt: Angeal/Zack: touching - The boy was teasing him.

The Weight of Morality
(link goes to [info]areyougame post)

Jul. 3rd, 2008


Fic: Dog Day of Summer

Title: Dog Day of Summer
Characters: Sephiroth/Genesis, Angeal/Zack
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Shameless Puppy!Zack'ing and suspicious roleplay.
Word Count: 2532
Notes: Silly fluff because [info]amarissia wrote porn. ;D

( Happiness is a warm puppy. )

Jun. 1st, 2008


Independence Day in the People's Republic of Zack

Title: Independence Day in the People's Republic of Zack.
Characters: Angeal/Zack, Sephiroth/Genesis.
Rating: R
Word Count: 4488
Warnings: Perv!Seph, Silly!Gen and vice versa, male nudity x(4), rampant silliness.
Notes: [info]amarissia insists on killing me with angsty, angsty Zack, so it seems my subconscious took over in self-defense and spent all of last week beating me over the head with this instead. Write me, beetch! So all my plans for actual chapter updates went out the window. ;p

( O Beautiful, for violet eyes,
For dark hair wild as grass,
For sculpted muscles of the back
Above that perfect ass.

Apr. 30th, 2008


To Be Human (Angeal/Zack) / Conditioning the Leather (Loz/Yazoo)

Title: To Be Human

Warnings: None, but if you’re not familiar with Crisis Core you may be a little lost.
Word count: 659
Summary: Sometimes, the only comfort one can offer is the power of truth.
Prompt: Angeal/Zack: comfort – “He looked at me like no other man had.”
A/N: Some dialogue inspired by translations of the trailers.

To Be Human )

Title: Conditioning the Leather

Warnings: only a little
Word count: 100
Summary: Loz takes a moment to admire Yazuu in his leathers.
Prompt: Loz/Yazoo: Leather Fetish – “They say leather’s for perverts. I don’t know why. Think it’s very practical, actually. I mean, you spill anything on it and it just comes right off. I suppose that could be why perverts like it.” (Charlotte Coleman)

Conditioning the Leather


Apr. 25th, 2008


CC Fic: Watching Him Sleep

Title: Watching Him Sleep
Characters: Sephiroth, Genesis, Angeal/Zack
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Puppy!Zack everywhere!
Word Count: 675

( Oh, look, he's dreaming. )

Apr. 7th, 2008


Porn Battle Ficlets

The following links were all for the [info]porn_battle challenge. So, yes, assume all are NC-17 rating, and involve those people in said links.

That means so not work safe.

Final Fantasy VII, Angeal/Zack/Cloud, practicing with mirrors makes you build confidence

Final Fantasy VII, Any Characters/Pairings, Zombie Apocalypse

Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud/Aeris, Do you ever wonder whose face makes the moonlight? / Do you ever look up and find your face there? / Is it any wonder we find ourselves laughing / with your tongue at my lips and my hands in your hair?

Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth/Cloud, dehumanization

Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth/Zack, "You must think me quite heartless."

Final Fantasy VII, Zack/Everyone else, dogs like having a variety of toys

Final Fantasy VII, Angeal/Zack, collar

Final Fantasy VII, Angeal/Zack, guide on caring for a new puppy

Final Fantasy VII, Angeal/Zack, disorientation

Look, everyone, wing porn. *points above*

Final Fantasy VII, chaos!Vincent/Cloud, alpha

Final Fantasy VII, Vincent/Cloud, scars

Final Fantasy VII, Angeal/Zack/Cloud, the pet taking a pet

May 2015




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