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Jun. 19th, 2008


Got fic - NSFW

Hello. Wrote a number and felt like sharing. This is a Cid/Reno fic by request. Enjoy?

Title: Hanger Up
Author: Jane
Pairing: Cid/Reno
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Some time before the game starts, a Shinra pilot meets a lout-mouthed redhead...

"Hanger Up"

Jun. 16th, 2008


Dirty the Sheets

Title: Dirty the Sheets
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Author: [info]chichirinoda
Pairing: Sephiroth/Genesis
Warnings: More smut! It's not very dub-con, despite the prompt. (okay, maybe a bit dub-con)
Summary & Notes: Genesis shows up at Sephiroth's door in the middle of the night, all fucked up. Written for [info]porn_battle, for the prompt: Final Fantasy VII: Sephiroth/Any, drugged/dub-con, It was so easy when he was like this

( Sephiroth woke up the moment the door opened, caught a glimpse of the intruder silhouetted before the light coming in from the hall, and watched his stumbling, weaving progress through the room towards the bed. )

Crossposted to [info]porn_battle, [info]ffvii_fandom and [info]ffvii_yaoi

Jun. 15th, 2008


Only Human

Title: Only Human
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Author: [info]chichirinoda
Pairing: Sephiroth/Tseng
Warnings: Unashamed smut ^^;
Summary & Notes: Tseng is working late, and gets a visit from Sephiroth determined to get some answers out of the Turk. Written for [info]porn_battle prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth/Tseng, "He was only human."

( Not all of the Turks were as obsessive and - dare it be said - anal retentive as he was, but Tseng considered that a bonus. )

Jun. 7th, 2008


Fic - Unshakeable [Zack, Cloud]

Written for [info]no_true_pair's Twelve Characters round.

Title: Unshakeable
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Zack, Cloud
Rating: G
Word count: 1310
Warnings: not really (prelude to canon angst?)
Prompt: Zack/Cloud, first time
A/N: So I told these two quite firmly that they weren't getting anything for this comm since they got so much writing from me the rest of the time. So they tackle-ambushed me with this. *sigh* And it's probably not the first time you're expecting, just as a head's up.

( The first time it happened, Zack figured he had to be dreaming.)

Jun. 6th, 2008


A little fun for Seph/Cloud

Title: Noodles Make the Day Go Faster

Author: yami_no_tenshi

Pairings: Sephiroth/Cloud

Rating: NC17

Summary: Cloud just wanted to eat his lunch, but noodles just weren't on the menu

No prompt, just fun.

Jun. 5th, 2008


Sleep-fondling [Rude/Reno, PG-13]

Title: Sleep-fondling
Author: [info]jlsigman
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: language
Word count: 144
Prompt: June 5th - Final Fantasy VII, Reno/Rude: Sleep - Even exhausted, he can't keep his hands to himself

Sleep-fondling )

Jun. 3rd, 2008


"Shit, Sorry!"

Title: "Shit, Sorry!"
Author: [info]freezing_rayne
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: FF 7 Crisis Core
Pairing: Zack/Cloud
Prompt: June 3: Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core, Zack/Cloud: clumsy, first-time sex - "Oh, shit, sorry!"
Word Count: 862

This looks a whole lot easier in porn... )

Jun. 1st, 2008


Independence Day in the People's Republic of Zack

Title: Independence Day in the People's Republic of Zack.
Characters: Angeal/Zack, Sephiroth/Genesis.
Rating: R
Word Count: 4488
Warnings: Perv!Seph, Silly!Gen and vice versa, male nudity x(4), rampant silliness.
Notes: [info]amarissia insists on killing me with angsty, angsty Zack, so it seems my subconscious took over in self-defense and spent all of last week beating me over the head with this instead. Write me, beetch! So all my plans for actual chapter updates went out the window. ;p

( O Beautiful, for violet eyes,
For dark hair wild as grass,
For sculpted muscles of the back
Above that perfect ass.

May. 26th, 2008


Livin' On the Edge (Reno/Rude)

Title: Livin’ On the Edge
Rating: PG13
Warnings: dark situation
Word count: 500
Summary: The ruins of Shinra HQ draw the broken like moths.
Prompt: Reno/Rude: Trust - standing on the edge of a sheer drop.

Livin' On the Edge )


May. 25th, 2008


Just Stop (Sephiroth/Kadaj)

Title: Just Stop

Warnings: none
Word count: 435
Summary: While Sephiroth is busy fighting Cloud, Kadaj has an unexpected revelation.
Prompt: Sephiroth/Kadaj: angst and comfort
A/N: I’d always wondered why, at the end, Sephiroth just hovered there and accepted Cloud’s attack. Perhaps this is why.

Just Stop )


May. 23rd, 2008


Jealousy (Angeal/Genesis)

Title: Jealousy

Warnings: Foreshadowing for Crisis Core.
Word count: 344
Summary: Sephiroth’s observation of Genesis when he thinks no one’s looking.
Prompt: Angeal/Genesis: Forbidden Contact

Jealousy )

May. 21st, 2008


In Hopes of Flight (Angeal/Genesis)

Title: In Hopes of Flight

Warnings: boysex
Word count: 307
Summary: Genesis reflects on his relationship with Angeal.
Prompt: Angeal/Genesis: First time - "We are each of us in this world an angel with only one wing. In order to fly we must embrace each other."
A/N: Title from the song of the same name by ThouShaltNot. While not a songfic, I must still give a nod to the inspiration, a very Genesis sort of lyric: And with the knowledge that breaks me down tonight / I turn on feeble feet in hopes of flight.

May. 20th, 2008


How Cait Sith Finally Got His Bonus (Reeve, Tseng, Sephiroth - Crack)

Title: How Cait Sith Finally Got His Bonus

Warnings: crack
Word count: 2800
Summary: Mayhem wrought by an unknown assailant lands Reeve, Tseng, and Sephiroth in a very intimate situation.
Prompt: Reeve/Tseng/Sephiroth: snark contest – "you're not the only one who appreciates the ridiculousness of all this."

May. 19th, 2008


Hair Trigger (Vincent Valentine/Yazoo)

Title: Hair Trigger

Warnings: indirectly talking someone to orgasm
Word count: 951
Summary: Vincent takes a little time out to size up the competition.
Prompt: Vincent Valentine/Yazoo: Gunslinging foreplay

May. 17th, 2008


Good Advice is Hard to Come By (Cid/Cloud - CRACK!)

Title: Good Advice is Hard to Come By

Warnings: crack
Word count: 1018
Summary: When Cid and Cloud have a little heart-to-heart, it would help if either of them knew what the conversation was about…
Prompt: Cid/Cloud: Fatherly advice – "So, what kind of lube would you recommend?"

May. 16th, 2008


Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (Crack piece)

Title: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Warnings: Cid’s potty-mouth and crack. (Exactly.)
Word count: 479
Summary: Ladies’ Night Out – more or less.  ~_^
Prompt: Reeve/Cid: Cross-dressing

May. 7th, 2008


The Awakening (Chaos/Omega)

Title: The Awakening

Warnings: spoilery for Dirge of Cerberus
Word count: 710
Summary: The end of all things, or the beginning of a new age: Omega alone can decide.
Prompt: Chaos/Omega: Long lost love – "Meeting again for the last time."
A/N: The relationship between Chaos and Omega was inspired by the “Omega Reports”.

May. 6th, 2008


Equal and Opposite Reaction (Loz/Yazoo)

Title: Equal and Opposite Reaction

Warnings: smex
Word count: 519
Summary: Some of the Shinentai are more equal than others.
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Loz/Yazoo: twincest
A/N: It’s hard for me to see ‘incest’ in any relationship of the three Shinentai. It doesn’t seem to be a concept that really applies to non-mortals… Remnant-cest? That works for me.  ~_^

May. 4th, 2008


Fic: Like Chocolate (1/1) R/NC17

Title: Like Chocolate
Author: SkyFire ([info]rabid_plotbunny)

Fandom: FFVII:CC
Rating: Wobbles between R and NC17, I think...?
Pairing: Genesis/Sephiroth, mentioned Genesis/Angeal
Summary: Genesis gets back from a mission, and Sephiroth learns something new.
Warnings: innoSeph, sort-of PWP, not worksafe.
Length: 2484 words.

Note: This is my first smut-fic in this fandom, and one of very few (less than five?) sexually-descriptive fic I've written. Ever; I'm usually more of a fade-to-black writer. Please be nice? *drops fic and runs*

Disclaimer: I don't own the bishies; they belong to Square Enix' harem. I just sneak them out sometimes to play with them. Right. Play... *whistles innocently*

( Sephiroth stood, braced on one hand as he leaned over his desk, studying the maps and reports that littered its surface. )

May. 2nd, 2008


The Emperor Kneels (Weiss/Nero)

Title: The Emperor Kneels

Warnings: incest, oral, hint of bondage
Word count: 665
Summary: The brothers have discovered that shared dreams can be a doorway to many freedoms.
Prompt: Weiss/Nero: Brother-cest – "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it. (Terry Pratchett)

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